Chapter 6

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Tony sat at the window of his home watching and waiting as he had done for three days after he had arrived.

Gibbs hadn't come.

His first meeting with his grandfather had not gone well. Sal and Tony had pulled up to a large house that Tony had remembered his father driving by a few times. They had stopped and Sal bought Tony a new suit and insisted that he get a haircut.

"Now, when, you meet your grandfather you will show him the proper respect. It is Sir or Don DiNozzo. Do you understand?"

Tony didn't but he nodded anyways.

"Uncle Sal...."

"NO!" Sal snapped. "You will call me father. That is important from this moment on. For all intents and purposes, I am your father. The funeral you are attending this afternoon is for your uncle Salvatore."

Tony looked surprised, " dad...?"

"I am your father and that is that, otherwise we may both be killed...Do you understand?" He snapped.

Tony nodded. He had nowhere to go, but it was just three days...three days then he could see Gibbs and Shannon again.

They walked into the house and a man looked at them both, "Anthony welcome home," the butler said as he opened the door.

Sal nodded, "Thank you. This is my son, Anthony Junior. Is my father home?" he asked before stepping inside.

"He is in the library," the older man said as he moved to let them in giving a slight nod to the telecommunications van parked out the front. As he closed the door, Sal relaxed.

"That will help Sir," the man said.

Sal nodded, "It will, but even in here, from now on I am 'that's' father," he said nodding towards Tony who was standing ever so still, an intense worried look on his face.

"The Don wants to see it," the man said and turned to lead the way.

Sal turned to his nephew, "Don't you embarrass me now."

"I won't Uncle S...." Tony stopped as Sal turned him and pushed him against the wall.

"What did you call me?" He snarled.

"S...Sorry...F...Father..." Tony said as he teared up.

"Do not forget i!" Sal snapped throwing him a handkerchief, "And Junior....DiNozzo's don't cry, so suck it up."

Tony wiped his eyes defiantly and turned to the man he had to call father.

"My name is Tony...n..not Junior."

"I am the real Tony DiNozzo," Sal informed him, "You are just Junior."

Tony nodded and followed two steps behind.

The man ahead of them opened a set of gilt ornate double doors, the largest Tony had ever seen. They opened up into a large room. The sun streamed in through the huge picture window on the other end of the elongated room. A wingback chair was facing the window as the trio entered.

"Don DiNozzo...Your son Antonio is here," he announced and stepped back.

Sal grabbed Tony harshly by the shoulder and dragged him forward.

"Don DiNozzo...Father..." Sal said warmly, embracing his father.

"Antonio, I have missed you so much. Welcome home in our time of grief."

"I am sorry for your loss Father. I loved Salvatore so much, he was a good man and I will miss him."

Sal knew that the FBI had bugged the room and that it was important that from now on the swap be permanent as he was now Anthony D. DiNozzo and this afternoon they were going to bury Salvatore DiNozzo.

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