15) Terrible Decisions

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xv : Terrible Decisions

Avery was tied to a chair. Despite this delima she immediately tried looking around for her best friend. "Marcus?" He smiled at her from the chair to her right. He was also tied up. 


Avery grumbled and leaned her head back, staring up at the ceiling as she watched a fly hit itself against a lightbulb. 

Marcus wondered why she was so calm for a minute before remembering the last time she was put in a life or death situation in front of him. The girl was certain he wouldn't let her get hurt. Having said that though, he had never given her reason to believe against that.

From across the room Billy looked at the girl and her nonchalant stance. If he didn't know better he would have assumed she was the one to kill those orphans. 

She was - plain and simple - someone who your parents would usher you away from.

The girl was covered in piercings and tattoos, the most prominent ink peeking out from the rips of her jeans - a snake wrapped around the side of her thigh and a poke and stick on her middle fingers of a heart. There were also some other random poke and sticks covering her body, most of them being done by Marcus while the two were bored and were now slowly fading away. 

As for her piercings she had two on her nose - a diamond stud on the right side and a gold septum ring. Her ears were covered in little diamonds and a gold helix piercing. 

As for her other jewelry the girl adorned a heart locket (Billy assumed it was from the annoyed looking boy who'd yet to take his eyes off her, however it was actually from her mother), a thin silver bracelet (that Marcus gave to her for her 13th birthday), and about a dozen different rings (some were her parents some were stolen - the ones she refused to take off, however, were her parents wedding rings that she had been gifted from the court). 

Then there was the girl herself who was quietly leaning back in her chair and watching the ceiling with a smile, her dark brown hair drifting over her tanned shoulders and falling back over the chair in a wavy waterfall. From the way she was leaning her jacket slipped down her shoulder and revealed a small tattoo of a pair of x-crossed drumsticks. 

"Are we sure she's harmless," the neon haired boy whispered to Saya who nodded in confirmation. 

The entire time there the girl had been murmuring about Marcus in her sleep, even going as far as snuggling against him in the back of the car despite her restraints. There was no way that girl was in any way dangerous. Add to it Master Lin said the only criminal history the girl had was petty theft and the warrant she has for running away from an orphanage 7 years ago.

"He's cute." "Yeah. Total "Hobo Fancy" cover boy material." Avery rolled her eyes at that. Willie was the next one to cut in, "Whatcha' say Mad Dog? You the psycho that did the boys' home massacre?" Marcus, in simplicity, looked unimpressed as he bit back, "Pretty tough barking at a dude tied to a chair." 

"Untie this punk ass bitch." Billy stepped forward, spinning a knife around his fingers as Marcus quickly added. "Her as well." Willie gave the nod and the green haired teen piped up, "Alright, but my moneys on Hepatitis Harry." 

Before anyone could even get untied an older man stepped into the room with a cup of tea in hand. In Avery's opinion he looked like your school's guidance counselor. "Forgive my students. They forget that vivaciousness serves only to make them look weak." 

The duo tied to old school chairs simply stared at the man in annoyance as he stopped at the center of the room. "Billy, if you'd be so kind."

Said person stepped up to Marcus first, the knife inching against his cheek before sliding down to undo his restraints. Then he stepped over to Avery and did the same, Marcus tensing at the act before calming down and quickly entwining the two's hands. Lin took notice of it as he sat down in front of them.

"Are you satisfied with your life?" "Us?" The teens gaze dropped down to his wrists as he rubbed at the sore spots, "Yeah. We eat trash and sleep in piss." "Everything according to plan," Avery whispered. A smile tugged at his lips once hearing her quiet addition. Having said that though, Saya also heard it and quickly stepped forward. 

"Speak to Master Lin with respect." Marcus leaned forward while Saya got gently pushed back by Willie. "Master Lin can eat my shit." He took a second before adding, "Who the hell are you people?" 

"What's important is that we know who you are, Marcus. And that we know what you've done." Avery moved closer to the boy as the man continued. "You're a killer. Few value this particular proficiency, but I do. What if I told you there's a home for people like you? A school where you'd be surrounded by your peers." 

He glanced over at Avery before speaking, "Only what? I dress up as a viking so you can take tasteful pictures?" The girl beside him shook her head and squeezed his hand as a silent warning of "you're gonna get us killed." He took it as a reason to ask, "Plus, what about Avery? Should I just leave her behind for the rats?" 

"She'd be allowed to join as well. See, I'm offering you both a chance to harness that fire inside you. To master the deadly arts." "The deadly arts, yeah. You know, this all seems really sane and completely normal-" He stood up and shrugged on his backpack as Avery joined him. "-And y'all look like a fun bunch, but uh, whatever this is.." He brushed past the group as Avery spared a glance back. "Later days." 

As they left Avery quietly giggled at the sound of a distant, "Son of a bitch stole my wallet." She glanced over at Marcus who grinned before holding the door open for her. "My lady," he mockingly bowed. She curtised before laughing and stepping out onto the street. 

When the boy fell silent beside her she glanced over at him confused. She thought everything was fine?

"You ok?" He hummed and passed the wallet to her. He was busy thinking about everything he had done in the past and how he was dragging Avery along with him because of his mistakes. 

Avery slid the wallet into her (technically Marcus's considering she stole it from him) jacket while looking the teen over. His hands were buried in his hoodie pockets as a far away look covered his face. "I'm gonna go for a walk," he decided before turning to walk the opposite direction from her, "Mind getting me a pack of cigarettes?" 

Avery slowly shook her head no and started to feel sick. The last time she was given far away looks and a task was before Elara had... "Why don't you go with me," Avery suggested, "I don't really like the idea of walking around alone at night." She chuckled, "I need my knight with me, ya' know?" 

Marcus shook his head no at the suggestion. "You'll be fine. I promise, Ave." "Ok," she whispered, ignoring the voice screaming at her to go with him and turning to walk down the street. He would be fine, she told herself, he's not going to do something stupid.

He's not. Right..?

She made it halfway to the store before turning on her heel and jogging back to where the boy was. At the sight of him making his way towards the clock tower she started sprinting after him. 

"Marcus!" Her voice fell on deaf ears as he disappeared into the building. 


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