Chapter 5

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When the night had passed Gene notified Grace of her plans before connecting with her avatar, sounds and the feeling of wind an indication it was successful. She slipped out of the hammock easy enough, slowly making her way down the tree. It was certainly a sight to behold, unlike all other trees around the RDA base they were stationed and certainly not like anything on earth.

She knew that Neytiri was in charge of Jake, and Tsu'tey her, the warrior obviously holding an extreme distaste for humans so the chances of him actually teaching her anything was not in her favor. Even if she wasn't human, her body had been mixed with one and she had been created by one. Doubly made by humans.

So instead she went in search of breakfast, following her nose as children followed her. She could hear them giggling as they followed behind her, commenting on her extra finger, her tail, her braid. When one got the courage to tug her tail she simply laughed, flicking it against their hand. They laughed when she turned, circling her in curiosity.

"You are very curious."

Their faces when she spoke had her laughing, lowering herself down to their level so that she could talk with them.

"Do you have any questions?"

"You are A.I yes?"

"Yes I am the A.I. My name's Gene."

"What is an A.I?"

"I am something made by humans. Though I am the first one of my kind."

"Are you the same as dreamwalkers?"

"I'm not sure. You call them dreamwalkers because their other body is asleep yes?" They nodded. "I do not have a body that sleeps. This is actually my first one." 

The seemed confused, mouths opening to ask more questions when a women called for them to follow. 

Gene continued on her way to the kitchen area of hometree. A few of the cooks looked up when she approached, unsure it seemed when instead of just taking some food she asked to sit next to one of them.


"I'm curious about your way of preparing meals."

"Should you not be training with Tsu'tey? He is the one in charge of you on the Tsahik's orders."

"I don't know where to find him, nor would I want to sour his mood with my presence. I'd love to learn about your people yes, but not just about your warriors or hunters. Everyone has a job they perform and help the clan as a whole. I'd like to learn about you and your work, if you'd allow me that is."

They shared a few looks before one gave her a bowl full of seeds and a pestle to crush them with.

"Grind these up then. We'll be using them for bread."

For the day that was what she did. She helped the cooks prepare a small lunch for the children and elders, large enough to feed them along with any returning hunters and warriors. They showed her how to prepare the animals the hunters brought back, two hexapedes along with a couple baskets full of fish. She helped slice the meat up, the skin and insides already removed by the hunter upon the animals death. The fish she helped de-scale as well as defang before slicing them up.

The seeds she'd crushed up were mixed with water and salt before being baked over the flames. Fruit, mushrooms, and grubs were sorted between baskets, some of the grubs being cooked while she helped prepare mushroom stew. It smelled disgusting but when they had her try it, the flavor was worth it.

Her favorite part though was the singing. Human records never go into great detail about the Na'vi way of life outside of those who could hurt the humans. It never made note of the other professions, the other lives and how they lived. The cooks liked to sing, tale and stories weaved into a melody they shared as they worked.

"Do you sing?"

"I have never tried to sing in this form."

"Give it a shot. You can't sound worse that Yi'wak." A young male cook who'd introduced himself as Ralu laughed.

"What would I sing though? I do not know your songs."

"Sing something the sky people sing. It won't be beautiful, but perhaps your voice can make it better." Nanti sneered from where she roasted a few mushrooms to go with the Hexapede meat. Grace had never been one to listen to music, calling the melodies distracting. The only outside noise she would ever ask Gene to play were animal noises when she spiraled downwards and grew too angry, too sad about the world. That didn't mean Gene never looked into music. The feel of the frequencies the closest thing she'd felt till she was given her body.

Though there was one song Grace didn't mind, if only because it was simple, sweet, and quiet. So at their prompting looks she began to hum, starting softly before getting a bit louder at Ralu's insistence. It wasn't long like most of their songs nor too quick but it was something sweet and soft. Not arrogant or sad, nor too angry or too loud. As her voice trickled off Amhul, the lead chef, started up a similar song. She was quickly joined by Ralu and Nanti, their voices harmonizing and washing over her with a feeling she didn't have a name for.  Laughing and smiling were reactions that just happened, her body reacting when it felt certain ways, yet she didn't have a name for these feelings.

While she may have been made to grow, to become senstiant, Grace had never programed it into her to feel or ever explained what each feeling felt like. The most she could grasp on emotions was people's voice. Was it rough, was it short, or light and airy? Did it have a lift to it or was it slow? Even then she had only guessed what each voice type meant in regards to emotions.

"Something wrong Walker?"

"No. Your song was very pretty. It moved me I think."

"You think?" Amhul hummed, eyes squinting at her confusion.

"I am not sure what I am feeling."

"That's not something we can tell you. You will simply have to figure it out for yourself." The older women hummed, returning to her kneading of the dough that was still in need of cooking.

"Sing us another song Gene." Ralu suddenly said, eyes watching her with a certain twinkle in them. So she did. She collected the game more hunters brought in, ground up more seeds for bread and exchanged songs with the cooks. For each song she sung they would sing one matching her tone. The meanings were not always align, some words lost between Na'vi and english. But the exchange was pleasant. Sometimes it wasn't even them singing, but the choir or a passing Na'vi who had heard them and decided to add their own song into the pot.

"Your voice is not bad. Perhaps you should visit the choir next." Amhul finally said at the evening meal, having invited Gene to sit with them and enjoy the fruits of her labour.

"Thank you. I'll be sure to visit them next."

"Already leaving us?" Ralu laughed, looking at Nanti who only muttered a 'good riddance.'

"I'll be sure to come around again. I enjoyed helping you." She hadn't realize cooking would be enjoyable, never really thinking on it when she made food and coffee for Grace.

"Your help is welcome whenever you wish to lend it."

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