Chapter 4

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"Yes Grace?"

"Get suited up. We're taking you with us on our expedition. Maybe you'll learn something."

"Acknowledged." The cube's light faded slightly, a single line of it slowly tracing the edge as Grace placed it in one of the bags of supplies. After making sure Norm and Jake were loaded up did she join Gene in the courtyard, mask secure over her face.

"Do you have access to your processing unit in this form?"

"Yes. I need only focus and I can return to my other form. Is there something you require?"

"Are you able to record anything while out in the field?"

"I have been able to transition recordings and memories between each other. Whatever I see I will be able to show you on a screen."

"Good. Then I want you to focus on that."


"The rest of us will connect to our avatars when we arrive. On the chopper." Jake jumped when she set her hand on his shoulder, having not expected Gene to already be in her body. The grin she gave him told him she'd scared him on purpose before she took a seat behind him in order to be able to breath Pandoran air.

"Didn't realize you would be joining us Gene."

"Grace has asked me along to observe and record the local wildlife and fauna. It will also be a good chance to teach you about Pandora, provided you are interested of course."

It was strange. It almost felt like Gene had taken an interest in him, not romantically but friendly almost. Like she was Tom and looking out for him.

"Sure." Her grin widened before they lapsed into silence, Trudy getting them up into the air and to sight six.

"We're entering the flaux zone." While Gene had gone through the files that spoke about the area that disrupted technology she didn't expect the sudden flush through her mind. Energy buzzed under her avatars skin, a headache quickly forming as she tried to understand just what it was she was feeling.

"You okay Gene?"

"I am Unsure." Grace turned around, face going from neutral to panicked as Gene tilted back, avatar teetering on the edge of the chopper before she was falling through the air. Her functions wavered, connection to her home form and this form fuzzy. She couldn't focus on that though, feeling the air rushing past her. Her body knew what to do though, hands reaching out and grasping at the tree limbs and falling onto large leaves before she fell fully to the ground.

Pain flared in her back, air pushed from her body. A sensation she'd never felt before. In the back of her mind she took note of the distant voice of Grace and static, the Flux still messing with her sensors it seemed.

"Gene!" She quickly climbed a tree, tucking her body inside before connecting with her home body once more.

"Apologies Doctor Augustine, it seems the flux has an effect on my sensors and connection. The body is safe however and I will attempt to make it to sight six Please be patient with me."

Grace sighed in relief, looking at the slowly dimming light.

"Just stay safe."

"I will try my best." They watched the light return to it's dimmed circling, something Grace was likening to sleeping for the A.I.

"Should we tell the rest of the team?" Jake couldn't help but ask, thinking that this may be something in need of reporting.

"We'll see what becomes of it. Gene's not a human so perhaps things will play out different. If she loses the body though we'll report it." She sighed exasperated, "Not even on the ground and already this trips going to shit."

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