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Izuku and Himiko walked back to Tomura, pretty happy with what they had accomplished.

When they walked back into the bar, they saw him sitting there with a glass in his hand, pinkie loose, swirling some form of alcohol around.

When he noticed them, he spoke up, "And what did she say?"

They walked back to their seats first, Tomura could wait.

When they finally sat down Izuku spoke up, "She said maybe."

He seemed to think about that for a minute before he spoke up "alright"

"I think it's best to just leave her be for now, and give her proper meals," Izuku glared at Tomura's direction when he said that, "Then try again tomorrow."
Both Tomura and Toga nodded in agreement.

"To be honest I don't think she'll just do a full one eighty. She might agree to join us, but that doesn't mean she wants to kill, or work against her friends."
they thought about that before Toga spoke up, "How do we even know she truly is willing to join us? And won't just rat us out?"

Izuku sighed, "I'll go back to UA with her, I'll be able to watch her and give her assignments." Toga wanted to go against him, but he held up his hand, "The heroes will trust me more since I willingly came with them away from you guys, which will give me more freedom, so I'll be able to sneak away."

"But Izu, I don't want you to go away again!" Toga pouted, hugging her boyfriend's arm tight.
He gave her a weak smile. "I'm sorry baby, but things will get better when we beat the heroes. We'll be able to be together for the rest of our lives." Then he whispered in her ear, "Maybe get married, find a nice house, have a few kids."
That made her blush, she looked him in the eyes, and softly answered, "that would be really nice."

"Okay you two get a room." Tomura suddenly spoke up, looking a bit annoyed.
They looked at Tomura, it was quiet for a moment.
Then they all broke down in laughter.


Prisons aren't a nice place to be, so Hisashi Midoriya found out.
He had been arrested because of suspected child abuse and neglect. He had to stay in prison, awaiting his trial.

The man was pissed, the trial was delayed because that stupid quirkless brat decided to get kidnapped.

It was late in the evening and Hisashi was allowed to go and shower. When he arrived in the room where he could change five other men were there and no guards.

The five men had all been part of a yakuza and had been arrested for murder, possession of illegal drugs and weapons. They probably had committed more crimes, but Hisashi didn't know more, not that he really cared.
He just wanted to get out of this shit hole, and he would when the judge would see that useless, quirkless brat, that bitch he called a wife put to earth.

Maybe that's why she died, God punished her for giving birth to such a useless creature. She probably cheated anyways, no way that a quirkless child could be his son.

His train of thoughts was stopped when one of the yakuza men spoke up, "Well if it isn't the drunk child abuser."

He ignored them and proceed to take off his shirt. Another man, with short brown hair and a dragon tattoo staring on his shoulder going up to his neck, "Oh, is the child abuser stripping for us?"

He sighed and looked at them, "oh fuck off man I just want to shower." Hisashi had been feeling nauseous all day and hadn't been able to sleep well ever since he had been arrested. 

He really, really needed some booze.

One of the men walked up to him and pushed him to the ground, "And what make you think you can speak to us like that?" Hisashi tried to stand up, but the man kicked him back down.

Suddenly he was back to six years ago, Izuku was nine, the boy tried to show him the new All mighty figure he bought. Hisashi had been especially drunk that day, he came home after hours of drinking with some dudes he met at a strip club. The boy ran up to him, "Daddy, daddy! Look what I bought."

He pushed the boy down on the ground, "why should I care you little shit?" He grabbed the All might figure from the little boy's hands. The kid tried to get up, but he kicked him down.
"Are you still so delusional you think you can be a hero?" 

Izuku had tears streaming down his face, he didn't answer his drunk father.

"Huh, answer me brat!"

"Yes dad, I want to be as amazing as All might!" He had a fierce look in his eyes, despite the tears he was still brave.

"You know what will happen to you?" Hisashi yelled, even from the ground Izuku could smell the alcohol from his breath. The nine-year-old shook his head no.

Hisashi broke off the outstretched arm of All might, "This" then he broke off the Hero's head, "And you'll end up sad, alone and dead, because you never should have been born."

He stalked off, to get another bottle of liquor from the cabinet. 

He hadn't realised that the men had walked up to him, he only noticed when they all started kicking him.

He crawled away, reaching for his shirt, one of the men with a mutant quirk grabbed the shirt, he had spikes on his knuckles. The man ripped the shirt in two.

"Run! Run away child abuser, like the little coward that you are." And that's what Hisashi did, he ran out of the room, with no shirt on, he directly got grabbed by some guards who forcefully led him back to his cell.

He sat down on his bed, and he started crying, he hadn't cried for twenty years. What was this?

Suddenly he was back again, this time it was about eleven years ago, Izuku just got diagnosed quirkless. Inko, his wife, was sobbing. He had hit her, her lip was cut and she had a big bruise on her forehead.

"Did you cheat huh, bitch? How dare you bring that filthy, useless, quirkless brat back here. No way that can be my child." He hit her again.

"Please Hisashi!' Inko begged. "He's a good kid, he's your son, please don't hurt him."
"That thing is not my son!" he yelled at her.

She started sobbing.

Just like Izuku had done so many times.

Just like he was doing now.


It was late, the sun was setting.

Himiko had just brought Mina her dinner, and some pillows so she could be comfortable.
She walked up to the roof of the building, she had seen Izuku go there.

She opened the door to the roof, there she stopped in her tracks for a second.
A small string of smoke came from Izuku.

She walked up to her boyfriend.

"Izu, since when do you smoke?"

He blew out some smoke before he answered her, "Dabi gave me these, it's actually quite calming, want some?" he offered her a cigarette.

"No thanks, and you shouldn't either, it's really bad for you."

He laughed, "For a psychopathic murderer you're very caring" He smiled and then leaning in to kiss her, "That's why I love you." 

She kissed him back, still tasting some of the cigarette, she didn't like it, but left It alone for now.

They quietly watched the sunset together, when it had gone completely dark, she asked him, "Let's go inside, the rest is gone so it's quiet there now, besides, I'm getting cold.

He agreed and they went inside, back to the light that was shining there.

AAAHHH i actually finished this chapter! 1314 words. 
I actually love this chapter, you got a little more Izu past.

So a little more serious this time,
I've been not doing too well lately, that's also why this chapter was so late.
I'm really, really sorry to announce that this will probably happen more often.
This does not mean that my fic is discontinued, just that some updated might be more delayed.
I know this is annoying and all I can ask of you guys is just to stay with me and have a little patience.
I really care for all my readers, you guys are amazing and to realise i have 20k reads now is kind of unreal to me.

your dear author sabeltje.

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