Chapter 16: I still love you

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It has been two weeks already since Y/N didn't go back to Nevermore, she just wanted to forget about everything. She was scared of herself, she wouldn't be able to live with herself if she ever hurt Xavier or one of her friends. She had transform one more time into a hyde, when Tyler and her got into a heated argument about telling dad about themselves. Y/N wanted to tell him the truth but Tyler insisted that it was not a good idea. She had broken a few things like a chair and a vase, but she controlled herself and calmed down quickly.

She was now working with Tyler everyday, she hid whenever a Nevermore student would come in. Tyler covered her back. He truly cared about her, even if they argued a lot.

Y/N was deep into her thoughts that she had not noticed the boy in front of her.

-" Can i get..uh.. c-coffee please ?" He asked, his voices breaking.

Her eyes looked up and her heart broke, Xavier, was in a horrible state. He wasn't dealing well with all this story and the break up. He needed answers, he needed to now what happened to her and what changed between them. Most importantly, he needed her.

The girl was staring at him, she couldn't move. She had tears in his eyes. She started making his coffee, his favorite one. Once she was done, she handed him his cup.

- "Thank you.." He took it and went to sit by a window seal.

Tyler saw him and went to his sister, "Need me to ask him to leave ?"

She shook her head, "It's too hard Ty" She started crying, "I miss him"

Tyler, hugged her and led her to the back. " It's going to be okay"

The girl nodded and went back out, she was about to go see Xavier, but there was only a drawing of her on the table and a note . She took it and read, i still love you.

That night, Y/N run out of her house, she was determined to tell Xavier about everything. She was walking through the woods when she stoped in her tracks, she saw a bomb fire. She hid behind a big bush and tried to see who was there. She saw some people with purple capes, and she remembered that the Nightshade's would meet up and have some parties like this. She got a little closer, and then she saw Bianca hugging someone. When she let go of the hug, Y/N saw Xavier. Bianca leaned in and kissed him.

Y/N widened her eyes and couldn't control herself from the jealousy, how long has this been going on !

She transform and let out a loud growl.

- "What was that?" Bianca asked as she let go of Xavier, and looked around.

The hyde came running to them and swayed her hand to destroy the campfire. She growled, looking at Bianca.

Bianca screamed and run away with the others. Leaving a paralyzed Xavier. He was staring at the monster.

- " You exist" He said.

The hyde came closer to him, and lifted Xavier up Carefuly. She was holding him and she approached him to her face.

Xavier didn't know how to react, he had seen it soo many times in his dreams that he didn't feel as scared. It once again, felt familiar.

- " Who are you? " He asked.

The hyde stared at him for a moment, she then put him back down and she run away. Disappearing into the woods.

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