Chapter 6: Enid look at this !

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The boy woke up suddenly when he heard someone knocking at the door.

- "Shit, shit, shit" He hurried and half opened the door, just enough to see who it was.

-" Dude, it's 12 o'clock, aren't you coming down for lunch?" His friend, Ajax asked.

- "Also, have you seen Y/N?" Enid's head popped out from behind.

Xavier scratched the back of his head and quickly thought about something to say.

- "Xav what's the time ?" A very sleepy voice asked.

- "Oh ! You've got a girl in your room!" Ajax smirked "No wonder you slept in, must of had a fun night" He laughed and pushed Xavier a bit to see who it was. "Oh my god, Enid look at this !"

There was a half awake Y/N, with messy hair all over her haid. Yawning while sitting in the bed.

Enid squealed in joy and rushed over to the girl, "Y/N ! I knew this would happen !"

- "Huh?" She was startled by the sudden apparition of different voices and squeals. "What the fu- Oh. Oh no this is not what you think" Y/N was red like a tomato.

Xavier on the other hand, was started to get some.. dirty thoughts that he tried to chase.

- "Come on Enid, let's leave this two lovebirds in peace" Ajax took her hand and made her leave with him.

Xavier closed the door quickly, "Sorry about that, i wouldn't have opened the door if i knew it was them"

Y/N was still red and she got up shyly, now realising that she had slept in the same, little, bed as Xavier.

- "Hi.." She looked at him.

- "Hi" He responded

- "I am going to take a shower in my dorm, do you.. do you want to me up after ? we could go get some lunch together..."

Xavier was very happy to hear this, Is this a date ? he thought to himself

- "I would like that a lot Y/N" He smiled.

The two lovesick teenagers were now in their own dorms, getting ready for the
date. Enid came into the room and laughed, then questionned Y/N, trying to get some spicy informations. The girl sighed and explained the situation, telling the truth about what happened : in the bus, at the Weathervane and then in Xavier's room.

Enid hugged her friend, apologizing for not being there for her last night. Y/N hugged her back.

- "I love this moment but that's enough, we have an emergency here, your first date ! do you want me to do your make up?"

-" First date ?" Y/N said, "oh my god this is a date isn't it ?"

Enid laughed as she took out her huge bag of make up while Y/N put on a skirt with tights, and a jumper, nothing too serious but it was cute.

- "Xavier is going to fall head over heels when he sees you" Enid said smiling while putting on eyeliner on the girl.

The girls talked for a few more minutes and Y/N put on her shoes, as they heard a knock on the door. Y/N took a deep breath and opened the door, she was stunned to see Xavier in a buttoned up shirt. As his eyes landed on her, he had his mouth wide open and he looked at her up and down.

-" You are... wow" He tried to compliment her but instead he gave her a single flower he had picked quickly in the school's garden.

- "Thank you Xav, you are very handsome aswell" She smiled and put the flower in her . She then confidently took his hand and they went to Jericho.

Once they arrived, Y/N leaded Xavier to a little cosy restaurant.

- "I thought we would go to Weathervane for lunch"

- "And have my brother there ? for my very first date, nuh-huh"

- "First date huh?" He smirked, "I've got to make it special then" He said while holding the door for her.

Y/N smiled as a waiter led them to a table, then handed them the menu.

The girl was so focused on what to get that she didn't notice Xavier staring at her, smiling. How did i get so lucky? He thought.

The waiter came back after a few minutes and took their order. 

- "Xavier, i had a question, if i draw something can you make it come to life aswell?" She questionned him while drinking her glass of water. The boy nodded which made the girl smile and she quickly took out a pen. She took her paper tissue which was on the table and she started drawing a few butterflies. She wasn't really a good drawer, but it wasn't that bad. She handed the drawing to Xavier, he made the butterflies appear and fly around the girl. She giggled and catch one in her hand, she looked at it and laughed.

- "Oh my god, poor buttlerfly, it's ugly" She laughed, "Next time, i'll let you do the drawing"

Xavier smiled and made the butterflies disapear as the waiter approached with their plates. He handed them out then left.  Y/N looked at her plate then his, then she pointed something behind Xavier, " Oh look behind you!". As Xavier turned around, she stole some fries from his plate and giggled when he turned around.

- "I saw you, you know" He laughed.

They both ate and talked about everything that came to their mind, it had been an hour that they were there when they decides to paye and leave. Y/N paying for both of them because she was the one that had invited him.

-"Next date's on me" Xavier smiled, hoping she would agree to go on a second one, which she did.

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