sucks to be wei wuxian

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"Dudes, wanna go to the mall?" Nie Huaisang cheekily said, obviously up to something naughty. (Trying to get Jiang Cheng or Wei Ying to spend they're money on all his needs, well, wants. "Sure." They both said, not knowing what they would be getting themselves into. "I'll drive!" Jiang Cheng looked at him unpleasantly, "No, the last time you drove, you almost got us crashed. I'll drive." Nie Huaisang felt some embarrassment after that. "Alright we're here now, let's go get some fo-"
"Hooooooooly, SHIT! I WANNA GO TO THIS AND THAT!" Nie Huaisang said, dragging the both of them to wherever he wanted to be sitting, or standing in. Forcing them to buy whatever, not that they really cared because they wanted shit too.

"What do you think about these?" Jiang Cheng turned around, about to give his opinion, until- Nie Huaisang grabs them both and whispers into they're ears; THE fucking L.A.N.W.A.N.G.J.I is here. Jiang Cheng had a reaction first and was extremely excited knowing Lan Huan was in the same country as him, not that he'd meet him.. but Wei Ying, was deadass quiet. He didn't scream. He didn't run to him. But he passed out, and woke up, in bed.

"WHERES LAN WANGJI?!" He screamed jumping out. "What the? He's in USA. If you 'met' him then you were probably dreaming." He woke up to Jiang Cheng's annoyed voice, Wei Ying's face went from excitement to extreme, sheer disappointment. He went out to get some air because he just felt so bummed. "Oh man, I really need to move on.. is this an obsession?? Do I need therapy?" He just groaned in stress. "I'm so hungry, i need to go to the convenience store." And so, he went out to the convenience store. Just buying whatever food he thinks would be delicious.

"How much for this?" He asked the cashier, with his attention being lost by a tall man standing beside him wearing a jacket and with short-long hair, with Lan Wangji's headband. He felt all the hairs on him drop. WAS IT REALLY HIM?!  He quickly purchased his items and ran after (while hiding) the guy, looking at him eat in an alleyway, obviously hiding. He watches the guy until he removes his hoodie, and it was.. Lan Wangji

-s fan. "I hate this."

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