6 | SongNing Side Story

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"Who stole my heart?" said Lan Zhan, "I'm asking you, lol." Wei Ying laughed, meanwhile Lan Zhan felt some awkwardness. "Do you want more hints?"
Lan Zhan leaned closer, "Isn't that obvious?" Wei Ying, also, leaned in closer. "..." Wei Ying smiled. "Too close." Lan Zhan looked away, Wei Ying's vision was Wangji's cheek. kiss "Um..." Lan Zhan's ears turned red. fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck! Wei Ying said as he blushed crazily infront of Lan Zhan. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so, so sorry!" Lan Zhan smiled, "Its alright." He said calmly, with a smile.

EXTRA *Song Lan and Wen Ning Side Story*

P.S Song Lan dropped out because yes.

"A-Ning, why are you always hanging out with that boy? What's so great about him?" - > says the lesb
"He is fun to hang out with, sister.." said Wen Ning, referring to Song Zichen. "Alright, alright, eat this now, so you can g-"

"Hello, Wen Ning." Wen Qing felt frustration from being interrupted, "Who are you?!" She screamed she pulls out a goddamn knife?? Who would carry around a knife in their house?! Apparently, Wen Qing would. "Z..zichen-ge! Sister, he is Song Lan. Don't you know his face?." Wen Qing was glaring at Song Lan, but her gaze went towards her dear younger brother. "Sorry, A-Ning. I didn't notice who it was.." And turned her gaze back to Song Lan. "How did you get in?" She lowered the knife.. "Wen Ning gave me extra keys." Wen Qing's expression turned from 🤨 to 😶... "A-Ning.. what did you give this boy?" Wen Ning was really shaking. "Sister.. I..i'm so sorry! I just wanted to.." Wen Qing really was furious that her brother gave some person she didn't know their house keys. "You wanted to do what? A-Ning, I love you but would you please make a good decision for once?! A-Ning, why do you trust this guy so much?!" Wen Ning couldn't stop shaking. "Please answer me, A-Ning." Song Lan was honestly too terrified to make a single sound.. but he gathered up enough courage, "Hey, um, Sister-Qing, you can have the keys back.. it isn't Qionglin's fault.."

"Q..I..O..N..G..L..I..N.." DID YOU JUST CALL HIM BY HIS BIRTH NAME? "Okay, honestly. I'm too tired to even deal with this right now. I'm going to work, keep the keys. GOODBYE." And she shut the door. "So sorry about that, Song Lan." Wen Ning frowned. "Its alright, no need to apologize.." Song Lan smiled.


ya'll i'm rushing this. So sorry😭

"Lan Zhan! Lan Zhan! Wanna go to a restaurant? Whaddya think? Hmm?" Honestly, Lan Zhan had a practice but he seriously couldn't resist it, he would never say no his crush. "Okay, now?" Wei Ying nodded, "...Okay."

Siji Minfu Restaurant- Beijing
(If you know, you know🤓🤓)

"Wei Ying.. why is it this restaurant?.." Wei Ying frowned. "You don't like the food here? Or have you never been here before?" Lan Zhan ears' were red. "I haven't been here before but.. this place is for-"
"Couples? Am I right?" Lan Zhan's ears just got redder. "Hehee ~ Its alright! We're bestfriends, we can go here..??" Lan Zhan sighed. "Okay." Wei Ying laughed.

- -

"Auuuughhhh - I'm so full.." Seriously, he was about to explode. "Wei Ying, you ate a lot. Go to sleep, okay? Come now." Lan Zhan held Wei Ying's hand and helped him get up, "Thank you!" Wei Ying smiled, and they exited while holding hands.

- -


Wei Ying fell asleep during the car ride, so Lan Zhan had to carry him to the apartment.. how embarrassing. "Rest well, Wei Ying." Lan Zhan smiled, as he was putting Wei Ying to bed.
"Goodnight, I love you"

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