(Request) Uncalled For- Regulus

Start from the beginning

"Right. Well, okay, have fun I guess?" James mumbled, moving his feet, going to walk past you two. He stopped. "Oh, Y/n, before I forget, me and the lads are going to Hogsmeade this weekend, do you-"

You cut him off, giving him the best apologetic grin you could muster. "I'm going with Reggie." You admit. "But I'm sure we'll end up crossing paths while we're there. We usually do."

James nodded, a mixed look on his face. "Yeah. No doubt we will." With nothing else to add, James left soon after. Both you and Regulus watching him leave until he turned a corner and was out of sight. You both continued on with walking back to your dorm.


Hogsmeade was definitely calmer then what you're use to seeing it. It was a nice change really. Some of the shops, mainly The Three Broomsticks and, in particular, Zonko's was still some what busy, as expected, but the rest of the village itself wasn't otherwise. Even Honeydukes was relatively peaceful, which was a surprise given how packed the place is usually. So when you and Regulus strolled in, you were able to walk around and admire the rows and rows of sweets which filled every shelf without pushing past people like usual.

Buying what you wanted, you both left, wanting to explore more of the village and grab a few more things before taking refuge at The Three Broomsticks for a warm mug of Butterbeer. You both visited every shop you could and that wasn't bustling with people. Although you did skip on Zonko's as, not only did neither of you need anything from the shop but, it was honestly too busy for your liking. Regulus even spotted his brother in there as you two past by the window to the shop. And if Sirius was in there, then your brother and their two other friends was sure to be as well.

Regulus held the door open as he allowed you to enter first into The Three Broomsticks. The warmth from the open fire being much appreciated as you both found an empty table towards the back of the Inn. The previous occupants having only just left.

The moment she had the chance, Madam Rosmerta brought over your two Butterbeers and the pair of you spent a decent amount of time after that talking about anything and everything which took your fancy. Something which, despite seeing and spending a lot of time together when at school, you weren't able to do very often.

Finishing the lasts of your drinks, you both stood up and bid Madam Rosmerta a good bye as you both took your leave from the Inn. However, you sorely wished you hadn't as the moment the both of you stepped away from The Three Broomsticks and out into the street, you were meet with an annoyed looking James. His friends close behind him.

"Hey Jay!" You greeted, hoping your kind tone would calm him somehow. It didn't. He barely acknowledged you as he seemed to glare solely at your boyfriend. You looked back at Regulus in confusion, him copying your expression as well. Neither you had the faintest idea as to what's gotten James so annoyed, seeming as far as you were both aware neither of you had done anything wrong. Had you? Although you got the feeling, despite your confusion, you'd find both find out pretty quickly.

Ignoring the gut feeling that he was somehow annoyed with the both of you, you wanted to believe that James is miffed about being kicked out of Zonko's or Honeydukes again and you and Regulus just happen to be on the receiving end of his anger. As that would make a more logical excuse. But when he threw a very low insult towards Regulus, you stepped up. "Hey!" You snapped. "What gives!?"

You heard Regulus scoff, muttering something under his breath, telling you he was quite ready and willing to retaliate. You knew he could handle himself, you didn't doubt that, but you were both having such a good day that James' insult ticked you off quicker then you wanted it to. James didn't answer you. Regulus, puffing out his chest, went to step past you to get closer to your brother but you stopped him, raising your hand to touch his chest. He looked but didn't say anything. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" You then asked, your gaze fully on your brother.

Sirius, Remus and Peter all stayed quiet as James' stare switched to you, the three even seemed to back off a little. Your brother's stare being something which you've received a thousand times when you were younger. A look which, by now, had no effect whatsoever on you. "Me or him." He spoke.

Your face faltered. "What?"

"It's a simple question sis, me or Regulus." James repeated.

"I'm not-" You stopped, looking from your brother and to your boyfriend before turning back. Even Regulus furrowed his eyebrows. "I'm not choosing, James." You answered, calmer then before. James clenched his jaw. "I don't know what in Godric's name has pissed you off but I'm not-"

"Oh, would you just shut up!" James yelled, throwing his head back briefly in frustration. You fell silent. Regulus clenched his fists. "Stop trying to be the bigger person, just answer the fucking question. Me or Regulus."

You stayed quiet which seemed to further annoy your brother. "Let me simplify it for you; are you a Potter or a Black?"

"Kicking me out the family already?" You joked unimpressed, crossing your arms over your chest as you shifted your weight between your feet. You knew your parents would go ballistic at James when they find out about this as they, unlike James, have never had an issue with you dating Regulus. In fact they encourage you, welcoming him over whenever the opportunity arises during the Summer.


You sighed, shaking your head. "Fine." You forced through gritted teeth. "But you asked for my answer." James' cold expression falters for a split second at your wording before he was quick to revert back to it. "I'm with Regulus." You answer as if obvious. "So I guess that makes me a Black then." You shrug.

Now it was James who was silent. You got the impression from the slight hurt look he was now sporting that he wasn't expecting you to say that, but what did he expect? "You're joking right?" Pulling himself together, James glared. "There's no way you're choosing him over your own brother." He continued. "I bet he's tricking you. Got you on a love potion or something." James was rambling at this point, making things up in an attempt to justify it in his own mind. You only stared. "Anyway he's a Slytherin, he can't be trusted."

"Oh and you can?"

"I'm your brother-"

"And?" You cut him off. James fell silent. "Regulus isn't the one being arse and making me chose between my brother and my boyfriend." There was a tad of remorse in James' eyes as he looked down briefly but you didn't care, you were passed that point now. "See you back at the castle James. Bye." With one last look both you and Regulus turned away, opting to cut your day short in Hogsmeade and go straight back to the castle.

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