(Request) I See You- Remus

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Requested by: Pookielet

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Requested by: Pookielet

Request: Hey! I have a request, if you have time :) Could you do one where the reader is a really quiet Hufflepuff, and because of that most people over look her (because most Hufflepuff's are stereotypically very chatty). She's always watching the Marauders from a distance, but she doesn't think they even know she exists? Preferably Remus x reader, but if it's just a general Marauders x reader, that's good too. I know this doesn't have much to it, sorry about that.

A.N: I am trying to upload more then once a week so please bare with me (I'm failing miserably but I'm trying)


You were invisible. Looked over. Pushed to the side. And for a Hufflepuff, it wasn't a particularly common sight.

You've grown use to it, however, not being involved in things or being asked to spend time or hang out with fellow students. Friends. The constant thoughts wearing you down because of your lack of being talkative with people. Perhaps if I'd spoken more. Sat with people more often. Participated more in social gatherings. The thoughts being relentless in their pursue of you.

You were quiet enough as it is but with the added thoughts it made you more isolated.

You'd speak, yes, but it was only ever in small doses and only when someone asked you something directly. And even that was very little these days. Your main source of interaction being during lessons with your professors. Otherwise, you kept your head down and kept on top of your studies. It's not like you have anything else to preoccupy yourself with out of class.

Or did you?

With the amount of time you spend alone and with how quickly you get your work done because of it has meant you tend to have a lot of free time to play with. And so, what better way to spend it then to people watch- to observe.

You hadn't meant to do it originally, it was never your intension, and truthfully, the act of watching your fellow peers go about their days felt odd. It felt wrong. But the more you did it the less it felt weird. In fact, that feeling of being creepy was replaced with a feeling of intrigue. You began to learn stuff, pick up on things. Frankly, it became rather entertaining.

For instance, just last week you picked up on how uncomfortable one of the girls from Ravenclaw gets whenever the focus is shifted onto them during a conversation. Or how, the other day, you noticed that whenever an endearing comment is directed towards Barty Jr he becomes flustered. He hides it well from his fellow Slytherins but you noticed it. Or that whenever a sudden noise occurs or a voice is raised just a little higher then usual, how Regulus Black will flinch. It's subtle, barely noticeable but again, like with Barty, you've picked up on it. In fact, that was something you've noticed with Regulus' older brother Sirius as well. However, his reactions aren't so subtle, at least not how they use to be. But you don't question it because you honestly doubt Sirius or his friends are aware of your presence let alone existence.

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