067; let's get you into bed

Start from the beginning

Rosemary glanced over to where Corbyn was standing and nodded her head in the direction of the table she had been stood at, watching him begin to walk over as she turned her head back to Jasmine.

"If you mention anything that has happened or embarrass him, there will be issues, Jasmine." She whispered to her older sister while raising her eyebrows, "he doesn't deserve that."

"You didn't deserve that," Jasmine stared at her in disbelief, watching her sister shake her head before she looked back up to Corbyn and smiled.

The boy soon returned the small smile and continued he journey to the table, standing by it just opposite of Rosemary as the rest of the guests at the table turned to look up at him.

"Corbyn," Naomi instantly smiled, getting up from her seat and running over to the boy, her arms going around him while the girl's parents slowly smiled at him.

"Corbyn," Lisa smiled, resting her chin in her hands, "how is the band going?"

"Good," he nodded, glancing over to Rosemary who had been watching him with a smile painted on her face, "we've uh, we've got a new song in the making."

"What's that one about?" Lisa asked as Matt nodded along.

"It's another love song," he shrugged with a small laugh.

As Lisa and Matt both gave him a smile, Jasmine leant back in her seat while watching Saskia stand up from her seat and approach her son, embracing him into a tight hug.

"Is Daniel here?" Naomi looked up at Corbyn, "last time I saw him he promised me skittles."

"He last saw you over a year ago, Nay." Jasmine replied as Naomi took a deep breath and stared at her sister.

"Are you jealous someone's buying me skittles?"

"Not at all." She raised her eyebrows.

"Daniel is here," Rosemary smiled to her sister before she looked over at Corbyn, "have you seen him?"

"They're all at the bar," Corbyn nodded, "not a place suitable for Nay."

"Yes it is." Naomi nodded, "Rosy can come with me, she's old enough."

"I'll come with you," she said through a quick laugh, following Naomi while looking at Corbyn still, "come with?"

"...Okay." He quickly nodded, following beside her with his hands in his pockets, "congrats on the award by the way."

"Thank you," she gave him a smile, "I'm still a little in shock i got it."

"In shock?" He turned his head to her.

"Well," Rosemary shrugged, "plenty of little florist's out there, could have been anyone."

"Thea put you too into your head." Corbyn shook his head with a laugh, watching her furrow her eyebrows slightly before their conversation was interrupted by his band mates.

"Our precious Rosy." Jack placed his hand on his chest, before pulling the girl into a tight hug, "I have missed you so much."

Once each of the guys had congratulated Rosemary and given her a hug too tight for her to her to handle at points, Daniel's attention was turned to Naomi with his promise made to her about skittles.

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