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Arin and I arrived at the restaurant and met up with Todd. The three of us sat at our table and waited for Todd's date to arrive.

"Are you sure she's coming? She didn't ditch you or anything?" I said as I looked at my watch, seeing that it was 5 minutes past the scheduled time.

"Of course she is. She wouldn't ditch me like that." He answered he was rapidly tapping his foot, clearly nervous.

"Well, even if she doesn't come I'm sure we can enjoy this lunch date as 3 friends hanging out." Arin said as he smiled cutely

"Holy shit Arin, I still can't get over how much you look like an actual chic. If you had a huge pair of tits and nothing poking out from under there, I'd be hitting on you." Todd said as he eyed up Arin as he blushed a bit

"Don't talk about my boyfriend like that." I sternly warned as I stared at him

"He's perfect the way he is." I added as I held Arin's hand as he was sitting beside me

"Yea yea, you two lovebirds disgust me anyway. It's kinda eerie how much in love you two are." He scoffed jealously as we waited for a while more until Todd's date finally arrived. 10 minutes late...

"Jessica! Over here!" Todd waved as Jessica approached us. She had long silky black hair and was wearing a tight red dress showing off her massive pair of... woah...

"Now I get why you like her." I muttered as Arin let out a little giggle as the four of us sat together

"Sorry for being late but I got lost on the way here." She apologized to all three  of us

"It's fine, it's a big mall. Anyone would get lost." Arin reassured

"Woah, you actually have a girlfriend David? I thought you were making her up. Why don't you introduce us?" She said as I sighed.

"Well this is Jessica. She is an editor and reporter for our school newspaper. This is Ari-" I was cut off by an elbow hitting me in the stomach from Arin. Reminding me not to use his actual name.

"Mphff... ouch.. excuse me, this is Ariel, my girlfriend. She goes to uni in another state so we don't get to see each other often, so that's why you probably haven't seen us hanging together a lot." I lied as I introduced them to each other

"Well Ariel, it's nice to meet you. I hope we get along." Jessica said as she reached out her hand to shake Arin's

"Ahh yes, nice to meet you too." Arin said as he nervously shaked Jessica's hand

"Well, now that introductions were over why don't we order some grub." Todd said as he opened the menu.

"Are you sure you can afford all this Todd? This place looks a bit too fancy and expensive " Jessica asked, a bit perplexed.

"Don't worry me and David are splitting the bill. You girls don't need to worry about anything." He reassured them as he gave me a look of 'please help me, I can't possibly afford all this.'

I sighed as I nodded and was a bit disappointed as he said that he was paying for all of this. We ordered some food and drinks and then began eating. We ordered some alcohol and we all had a couple of drinks except for Arin, who only drank a little because he said that he can't handle alcohol very well. We had a pretty good time but I was feeling a bit light-headed so I decided to stop drinking as well.

"Hey David, seeing how we finished eating do you mind if I can have an interview with you?" She asked as I decided to refill my glass up so that I can get this over with, never mind the stop drinking part.

"Yea sure. Whatever. Just make it quick." I said as I gulped down the entire glass immediately and started pouring another.

"So why did you save the new kid anyway? Wasn't he a pervert who likes wearing women's bras." She asked, and Arin instantly seem to shrink after hearing that. I put my hand on Arin's thigh to try and comfort him

"Well firstly, Arin and I are friends and he wears what you call a 'bra' due to a physical condition he has, not because he's a pervert who gets off on it. Secondly, I don't think that bullying or violence is ever the right answer to anything." I said confidently as Arin smiled at me, looking at me defending him.

"Okay interesting, second question, how did you knock out Hunter with one punch? I'm a bit confused because he seems to be in peak physical condition while you never seem to excercise." She questioned, seeming a bit puzzled

"Well, honestly I don't know but if I were to give an answer it's probably because I was so angry at how a nice and genuine guy like Arin was being treated that I just got mad and maybe my emotions were the reason I was able to punch him like that." I chuckled a bit as I noticed Arin was staring at me a bit like I was a hero of his as I said that. I might not need the alcohol, after all.

"Ok, ok, thank you for answering. Are you up for one last question?" She asked

"Sure, sure." I agreed as I thought if the last question were like anything she asked before

"How do you feel about your parent's company Stellar Inc. exploiting our nation's natural resources and causing a massive influx in pollution in the past couple of years?" She suddenly asked, as I was a bit shocked.

Where did this come from???

"Uhmmm... well... They don't really talk to me about their business so I have no idea about anything they do." I replied a bit hesitantly as I quickly poured myself another drink

'They don't even really talk to me at all. How should I know any of this shit.' I thought as I tried my best to smile at her and take another sip of my drink

"But you must benefit from the wealth they accumulated due to the immoral practices of their company right?" She added as she was staring down my soul

"Look, I haven't seen or had any contact with my parents for years. All they do is send me my allowance every month. That's all I know all right." I growled, clearly upset at the questions she asked. I instantly poured myself another glass when Arin put his hand on my shoulder.

"David... I think you had enough." He said looking at me with his worried eyes

"Yea buddy, you almost finished an entire bottle by yourself." Todd said as he held an empty bottle of alcohol.

"I'mmm fine guys. Don't worry." I said as I ignored their advice and downed another glass.

"Hey David, I wanted to ask another question. You said that you haven't met your parents in years. Why is that? Because parents even the ones with a lot of money spend at least some time with their kid." Jessica asked again as Todd looked worried while Arin stared daggers into Jessica's eyes angry that she kept on asking these sensitive questions.

"Well the reason is probably because they care about their business more than me." I muttered as I downed another glass.

"I'm leaving, I'm done with these stupid questions. You three can continue having lunch. I'm gonna go." I said as I tried to get up and fell on the ground. I quickly brushed it off and continued walking until I can see the sun outside...

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