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"Don't give me that." He said grumpily as he puffed out his cheeks.

"I mean isn't it weird for you know... two guys to be together in this way?" I croaked, looking away from him. He then proceeded to pull my head back so that we were looking at each other.

"Come on David. You just came in my mouth. I think we're past it being weird now." He convinced me.

"Yea, you're probably right. Fine, I guess I'm your boyfriend now then." I said a bit hesitantly and then proceeded to kiss him on the forehead as he snuggled up to me even more

"And I'm your boyfriend too." He softly said as he kissed me on the cheeks

"So does that mean we're gay?" I chuckled somewhat nervously as it was a half-joke

"Yea, I guess so." He replied, smiling

"It's getting pretty late, shouldn't you be getting home? Wouldn't your parents be worried?" I asked, not wanting him to leave but afraid that he'll get into trouble

"Oh, he'll probably not notice, and anyway I want to sleep here tonight, with my boyfriend." He said as he hugged me tighter. I was curious about what he said but the way his eyes seem to fall into despair during what he said initially made me not want to press any further.

"Well, my parents probably won't be home for... a long time I think so you can stay here all you want." I said, with my eyes this time falling into despair.

"Where are your parents? If you don't mind me asking." He questioned carefully

"Just on some business trip as usual to god knows where." I mumbled as I didn't really want to talk about it.

"You don't need to worry about them walking in on us having gay sex. Don't worry." I joked, trying to lighten the mood.

His face instantly turned red as he hit me playfully on my chest.

"Don't joke about stuff like that dummy. You'll jinx us." He said as he tried to hide his red face on my chest. I chuckled a bit, seeing him embarrassed like that.

"So anyways, why did you transfer to our university? It's kinda weird moving during the second year. Did you have trouble in your previous uni?" I asked, curious but not wanting to push too far

"Oh it's nothing like that. It's just that I went to a community college but your university offered me a basketball scholarship so I decided, hey why not?" He answered cheerily

"Oh I see. Are you like really good at basketball? I mean I've only seen you play once when we first met but as you've probably seen on that day... I suck." I chuckled as I thought about that day.

"Not to brag, but I think I'm the best player in the team." He said slyly as he let out a cheeky smirk

"Aren't you a bit short for the sport?" I teased

"Hey, I'm shorter than you and you suck a lot at it. So don't bring height into this mr. Bigman." He argued as he let out a huff.

"Fair point." I agreed as I could tell he's a bit insecure about his short stature.

"Why do you like the sport anyway? I can't really see the fun in dribbling balls and shooting them all day." I accidentally said out loud as I didn't mean to sound so rude

"Well, I'm poor. I didn't have a high-end computer, console, or even toys for that matter. All I had was some basketball I found on the street and I've just been playing ever since." He confessed as his lips started to frown a bit and his eyes started to lose it's shimmer.

I feel so guilty that I made him feel bad...

'Do something David!' I thought as I got mad at myself for making Arin feel this way.

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