Chapter 2

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after looking at each other, Jungkook said lets start the meeting. the meeting had begun and taehyung and Yeonjun started to present their presentations.

so you guys must be wondering what is this meeting about as I've mentioned before, this is a collaboration between CB co and Jeon co. this meeting is very much beneficial for both the companies. Jeon co is the top company in Korea and is known worldwide not only for its business but also for the most handsome bachelor ceo. CB co is the second most top company in US, also it is known worldwide. but can you why its famous? well of course because of the top business ethics and strategies, but its also known for its famous designer aka MR.V . as MR.V [TAEHYUNG] released its designs the business had boost up and soon the company had become one of the top companies in the world. now many companies want to collaborate with CB co as they are sure if collaborating them means success. MR.V is well famous designer, he deigns jewelleries and dresses. at times when its needed he models too which captures many peoples heart. but no one knows about his personal life, he's never made his name public he always says he name is V. no one knows his name and personal life. he is known as being the good with good ones and bad with bad ones.

(back to the meeting)

while the meeting going on the Hyung's ( namjoon, jin, jimin, yoongi, hobi and Jungkook) were looking at tae and found it very happy and proud to see their tae as very hardworking person who achieved his fame by his hard work. they felt sad and guilty imagining how hard it must have been for taehyung being alone and no one to conform him. they felt hurt seeing tae ignored them but they knew it was all they deserved. soon the first half of the meeting was finished , it was a small break as they would have their refreshments and rest. (note; the meeting would be discussing about the jewelleries in the first half and about the dresses in the second half).

in the break Yeonjun went outside as he kept getting calls and went outside to attend it. everyone thought its best time to talk to taehyung, they kept looking at taehyung whose busy in doing work in his laptop. after a long silence, jin broke the silence by saying taehyung name but taehyung had ignored him and looked at Soobin.

Taehyung : Soobin can you show me the to the washroom please?

Soobin : sure hyung

without looking back Soobin took taehyung from the other to show him the directions. namjoon, jin, jimin, yoongi, hobi and Jungkook were shocked that taehyung didn't spare a single glance, they felt hurt but all this was seen by one person....yesss Yeonjun had seen the way the others were looking at tae, the way taehyung had ignored them, the way taehyung went away without looking back.... by looking at that he entered in the room and said.....

Yeonjun : hes not the same taehyung that was 5 years ago. (namjoon, jin, jimin, yoongi, hobi and Jungkook were looking at him). he has changed, he became less expressive, hes more cold and strict. but yet hes still same with his family. when I say family I mean his new family who protected him, kept him safe made him strong that he can deal every pain.

jin: were also his family. namjoon and yoongi are his brothers, jimin his best friend, hobi and I are his brothers to and Jungkook...

Yeonjun : no family is the one who sticks together and protect their loved one. family are those who give LOVE, TRUST and keep them safe. you all have hurt him and betrayed him. ( they knew what he said is true they all had hurt tae a lot, they felt more guilty....soon taehyung and Soobin came back)

Yeonjun : hyung whee were you? where is your phone ?

taehyung: wooooo chill jun. what happened, why do you look so freaked out? well i went to washroom and for my phone it must be in my bag why?

Yeonjun : hyung Baekhyun had called you so may times on your phone and also called me to tell you to call him back soon as possible or else we wont be able to enter the house ( taehyung got a bit scared)

soon there was a video call made. the name showed on taehyung laptop made him sacred......soon he answered it before the call ends. on the call...

Baekhyun: KIM TAEHYUNGGGG.....where are you. I told you not to leave house before two days. I told you need rest than why didn't you listen... huh... tell me what are you doing

taehyung: hyung please chill down I had to come foe this meeting as its very important and...(was cut off)

Baekhyun: what do you mean important huh... cant this meeting be attended by someone else .. Chan could have gone ...why did you get out of the house?

taehyung: hyung please don't yell, everyone can hear you ( looking at others) (Baekhyun went and called chan)

taehyung wanted to excuse himself so he could talk outside so no one gets disturbed, but Jungkook said its okey , no need to attend the call outside ...he can sit here talk as no one will mind. Others had nodded at Jungkook's statement because they all wanted to know what's Baekhyun and tae relationship, is he someone close ?. in this thinking they didn't realised that Baekhyun and chan are the owners (ceo) of CB co. taehyung said sorry to them. soon Baekhyun was back with chan.

Baekhyun; see chan tae bear didn't listen to me and went to the meeting.

Yeonjun: but hyung , chan hyung was the one who sent us this meeting.[ soon he got a glare from chan and his taetae]

Baekhyun: what..chan you sent my babies without asking me. idc I want you guys to back soon or else I wont talk to anyone or wont eat too. ( chan, tae and Jun were just looking at him)

taehyung: but hyungie if you wont eat you could get sick( said in baby voice, which others had cooed at and made someone heart beat fast)

Baekhyun: no. no one cares for me and no one loves me that's why no one listens to me.( said in low tone with a pout)

taehyung : fine hyung you win. ( looks at Yeonjun )book the next flight to US, we will leave as soon s the meeting finishes. ( namjoon, jin, jimin, yoongi, hobi and Jungkook kept looking at him with a shock as they thought who can this person be that made him come follow his word. who is this Baekhyun and chan that their tae gives his love and attention to them)

Baekhyun: yayyy I've already checked after your meeting there is a flight available , do you booking and come soon im gonna go and make some strawberry cake and yummy foods for my babies(went away)

Chanyeol: ( looked at Baekhyun with love eyes) hes just so cute

Yeonjun : hyung just admit it your whipped for Baeki hyung (tae and Yeonjun started to laugh and they got a glare from Chan)

Chanyeol: laugh as mush as you both want , soon when you will come here ...I will see who will be laughing or who will be crying . btw tae bear hows the meeting?

taehyung; hyung the meeting is going well, we have discussed the first half...after the break we would continue.

Chanyeol: okey that good ..hope you and jun are okey and yes good luck for the next half and yes please don't forget to book the tickets or else I would have to seep on the couch.

Yeonjun : hyung who would have thought the CEO of CB co is scared of his BOD (laughing, tae just smiled)

Chanyeol: well if that BOD is your boyfriend than every ceo will be scared. and just wait jun when that special one enters your life, I will tease you and spill all embarrassing stories ( teasing him but soon got quite as he looked at tae, coz he knew what tae has been through) okey I guess I should end the call and you both present well and come back home soon, we three miss you..

soon they ended the call. again taehyung said sorry for disturbing them all. but one person was lost, Jungkook. he was lost as he kept thinking whose the third person? he knows that Baekhyun and Chanyeol are two people waiting for them but who's the third person. is it tae lover?


hope this chapter was good

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