To Fight a Splicer

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"Damn it!?," Bakugo calls out as he barely jumps out of the way, dust and debris from the already destroyed concrete floor explode in a cloud as the now mutating form of James makes contact with the ground, "Awe, now that wasn't so nice ..." his voice whispers as the sickening sound of bones bending and breaking back into place, "Come on! I just want to talk to somebody," He continues slowly getting louder as he limps towards his target, the dust settling down revealing James' Final form, what's left of his suit now stained with blood and ash, most of his visible skin burned with what looks like a masquerade rabbits mask placed firmly onto his face.

"What the hell is that?" Bakugo questions as his expression go from scared to angry in seconds, "Awe, is the cocky little hot head scared of little old me?" Spliced James mocks as his left hand glows a bright blue colour before bolts of electricity spark to life around him, as a large metal hook-like blade appears in the other, the metal shining blue as the electricity around him energises it, "I'm gonna open you up, and take all that sweet sweet ADAM," He states as he sniffs the air and takes a menacing step forward, "I can't smell much but I'll take what I can get and when I do I'm gonna cut you up into little tiny pieces and keep you in a box!"

Before Bakugo could take his next step James launches himself forward, barely scratching the Grenadiers gauntlet as he quickly jumps out of the way, "A feisty one ... I like it," James mocks as he leaps once more this time, catching his target with an electrified fist to his body, sending him through a wall and into the next room, "Not so feisty now are ya, Ha ha ha" James continues as he begins laughing, "James stand down, I repeat stand down, the test is over," All Might states over the intercom, "Why Should I huh? This waste of space thinks he can say what he wants when he wants to and deserves nothing else ... after all, I intend to take what's mine anyway," James replies as he creepily looks around for cameras not noticing the explosive punch heading his way.

"DIE!" Bakugo Screams as his explosive fist collides with James's face sending him through a number of walls as his classmate continues pushing forward, punch after punch, explosion after explosion, before pulling the pin on his gauntlet, releasing all of his explosive sweat at once towards his target, causing an explosion 10 times the size of the room to detonate leaving nothing but airborne dust clouding everyone's vision, "Is ... he ... Dead? Do ... I ... win?" Bakugo questions out of breath, as he looks around for any sign of the slightest movement or sound, shocking everyone watching inside the control room.

"W-w-what happened?" A shocked Mydoriya asks out loud as his widened eyes look around the screens for anything of his best friend, "AAAAHHHHHHHHHH," A loud painful scream is heard, confusing the rest of the class, "W-w-what is t-that?" the Frog Girl Tsuyu stutters, pointing towards Bakugo whos looks like he is being held up into the air but no one can see with what ... Until the smoke finally clears revealing James' curved blade now covered in blood and poking out through Bakugos left shoulder, his hand glowing as waves of electricity flow through the blade and into Bakugo.


"AAAAHHHHHHHHHH," My target screamed as I drive my electrified blade further into his shoulder, "Yes ... good ... good, your screams will make the ADAM so much more tasty," I taunt as I release the electricity, "Now all that's left is to get it out of you," I continue, slowly summoning my modified ADAM Syringe that wedged itself into the ground, "There we go," I finish, placing a hand on the grip and ripping it from the concrete, causing more debris and dust to fill the air, "Now where should I start," I taunt more raising the Syringe towards his back, "Maybe the back? ... No to much bone," I pause, moving the tip into his side, "Maybe the side? ... No ... not enough there ... Ah I know," I pause once more, lifting my blade into the air, before throwing it and my Prey into the wall facing me.

"The source," I finish evilly as I press the end of the Syringe into his chest just barely breaking the skin, watching as he screams in pain and fear, "Yes that's right ... Keep go ....." I stop, feeling another ADAM presence near me as I look around, "Is it someone new?" I call out, my spliced voice crackly and eerie echos down the empty hallway as I look for anything out of place, though my attention is cut short when I smell something in the air, a sweet yet strong smell as my vision begins to blur with every ragged breath, "What .. is ... going ... on?" I question as I felt even more sluggish than before, my arms weakening with every limping step I take, my target out of mind and my Syringe rattling on the floor before disappearing entirely.

"That's right take it all in," I hear a muffled voice say as I begin to slowly shut down, my legs no longer working causing me to fall to the floor, my mask barely hanging onto my face as my breath slows down, trying to look around I manage to see or at least the shape of the new presence before everything went black.


James finally passed out, 'Took a lot more of my quirk than I thought it would' I thought and sighed to myself as I looked towards the bleeding and barely conscious form of young Bakugo, "All Might ... James is down, and we need Recovery Girl here now," I radio in as I kneel and try my best to stop the bleeding, "Copy that, Recovery Girl is on her way now," All Might replies, "What about James?" He asks with sympathy in his voice, "He doesn't look too good, Every visible part of him looks burned or mutated, and his face ..." I pause looking towards James' half-masked face for a moment before turning back to Bakugo slightly shaking, " ... Please recovery Girl ... hurry."

The Splicer Hero: Rapture (BNHA x Bioshock)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin