Chapter 10: A Woeful Trilogy

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The clock was ticking, slowly but surely it was indeed ticking away, in more ways than one. The time was ticking, we were slowly running out of time. I had a feeling something would go wrong, I had myself the feeling that if we didn't solve this issue, this problem by the end of the day. It would be too late.. it was close to seven, we arrived at the station to have our little.. meeting with Sheriff Galpin..

Sheriff Galpin.. He said he'd look into things as best as he could, but how could he do that? Unless he himself is or has gone to meet with Vincent to determine anything suspicious about him, there's no way in hell that he's done that in this amount of time.. Luckily enough I have all the evidence, this recorder.. I managed to record nearly everything he said from the moment before he maniacally began to laugh, hopefully a clear divide in personality, a clear indication that there is more than one, especially since they refer to one another as him or it. That is the key factor, the key way to solve and figure things out with him. If i can just get Sheriff Galpin to hear this, then.. we've done it.

It's likely that Sheriff Galpin was inside his office at this very moment.. although, knowing him, its possible he has other things to do, to look out for.. seeing as he's the Sheriff after all, it's a possibility that he's busy? But he did say to meet him at seven exactly. So when Wednesday, Ajax and Enid pulled up outside the station, getting out of the car at exactly seven. They all indeed hoped he'd be there, thankfully he was.. sitting in his office chair, Galpin looked down at the files in his hands.. belonging to a mass amount of criminals that he's lately been on the case for.. one of which, he dug out for this very specific moment..

"Wednesday Addams" He muttered, seeing me stood alongside Enid and Ajax in his doorway, I was mere moments away from knocking but I guess he could sense us coming..
"Sheriff." I simply said, leading the two behind me into the room..
"I have information for the three of you.. regarding Vincent Thorpe." He said arising from his seat to walk around the front of his desk..
"So do I, a fair amount of useful information at that." I mumbled taking the recorder from my pocket.
"You go first.." I spoke, as he gestured me to a seat, unfortunately there were only two in the room, so Ajax stood himself behind Enid, and the three of us sat in silence waiting to hear what he had to say..

"We did some digging, found an old file.. Way back when he was just a kid, Vincent was arrested for attempted murder. Since he was a child at only fourteen, he was placed in a juvenile penitentiary for half a year.. seeing as this murder attempt wasn't significant, it would have gone down as accidental manslaughter, as he was playing baseball before one opponent spoke something to him and he swung violently at him with the bat he held.. Four years later at eighteen, he was placed in a psychiatric ward as he had developed trauma due to an event that we don't know about due to the confidentiality between psychiatric patients and doctors. He was deemed to be cured before release a year later.. although I doubt that is the honest truth." He finished, closing the file he held before handing it to me, suggesting I read over it when i can..
"Although he was deemed to be cured of the traumatic disease he developed, we can see clearly from that file that he had developed DID to cope with certain events and situations he himself hated being in.. along with this he had portrayed psychotic tendencies, such as beating small animals to death with his hands after fighting with said animals and much larger animals like wolves and wild boar." He finished. Leaving the three of us shocked beyond belief..

"I believe that due to the passing of his wife, Xavier's mother.. these tendencies and potential personalities that he developed through trauma and to cope during certain situations he hated being in have came crawling right back.. and for the past however long he has been living three different lives." He spoke, leaning himself against the desk behind him before continuing..
"The only peice of information that the Psychiatrist had told us was about Vincent's DID, we had to look into files recently to relearn everything that we once knew and just merely pushed aside.. he has three different sides of him, the traumatised original, the buisness made fake, and the psychotic murderous manipulator. I know it's a mouthful but this is all we know about him.. due to a video recording of one therapy session he sat in in his first few hours in the penitentiary." He spun around, going towards a small cassette player in the corner of the room, taking a tape from out of a plastic bag laying on top of it.. before inserting the tape into the player he turned on the small television above him before speaking..
"I shouldn't be showing you kids this at all, but the fact that you're here means you have more information for us.. so you deserve to see." He spoke before pressing the small play button on the box.

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