Chapter 21 Windsom's shop

Start from the beginning

"Lacky you say?"

"Yes that is what she called you. Why do you ask?"

"Who called me that?"

"Mom or you might know her by the name Sylvia?"


"She asked me to call her that and take care of her unborn child Sylvie. But that is not important now. I can see what those elixirs can do and I want three in total. For me and two other friends with great potential."

"Why should I give them to you?"

"I will trade them not just take them."

"Money has no meaning to me."

"I know but what about information?" He looked at me with a questioning gaze and motioned to keep going. "I have been fighting and preparing with my friends for the past few years ever since we met Sylvia or found each other. During that time I have figured out that several people are traitors to this continent. I will give you this information and I will get the elixirs."

"Why should I agree? From my perspective you just want me to do the miscellaneous work."

"That is half true and half wrong. If you agree you can deal with them on your own and show results to lord Indrath. But I hope you will wait for some months they still have some roles to play. For an example the dwarven rulers, an elder and a lance still have some important tasks like creating the council. And since the council is not now stable it would be horrifying if they just disappeared suddenly."

"I see. That is a tempting argument that you have there lesser. But tell me why shouldn't I just take the information from you along with lady Sylvie?"

"Because I am a strong warrior just like my comrades. In the coming war you will need me."

"It seems that you are different. What has made you like this?"

"Who know maybe killing hundreds of Alacryans or something like that. Do we have a deal Windsom? And if you are no lacky what are you then because it is strange to call you that."

"I am an elder of the Indrath clan. And yes we do have a deal but do not disappoint me lesser or you will regret it." He gave me two more elixirs and I gave him a copy of the documents that state the crimes that the traitors have committed.

"Could I ask for your attention elder Windsom?" he looked at me and nodded while shifting his attention towards the documents. "Are you content with the information and if you are could you listen to my plan?" Now he seemed to have shifted his attention towards me. "If the rulers get killed an elder needs to take their place. Therefore I recommend elder Bhund. Elder Rahdeas will die sooner or later. I hope not by our hand. Elder Rahdeas has taken in an alacryan but this alacryan has died inside a dungeon. Therefore I propose to let the Vritra get rid of him. If they don't do it on time we can still do it afterwards. But if the Vritra kill him we could convince the dwarven lance to calm down the dwarves and control the situation. Of course he will not be in possession of his artifact since it would be too dangerous."

"How do you know about that boy?"

"I have investigated all elders and the royal families of all races ad have found that out."

"You are really smart for a lesser and a kid no less. It is a shame that you were born as one. Anyway your plan is cruel and efficient. I will follow it. And do I presume correctly that I should not hunt down traitors until the time is right?"

"Yes please wait some time. In the near future I will attend a dungeon dive with a class of the Xyrus academy. During that dungeon dive I intend to disappear. Fake my death for some time together with my friends. My theory is that when we are gone a group of racist students will try create a terrorist attack. I also guess that they are controlled by the Vritra."

"Explain how that is useful for them and why you believe that will happen."

"For one it was an only human school and therefore the human nobles that are against the unification of the three races. Since their noble status and the privileges might get lost. Therefore I guess that a racist group will become reality and what better pawns are there then idiotic young nobles that are easily influenced. As for what the Vritra get from this attack. One several more or less capable mages of Dicathen will die and the council might dissolve because of that. We will use this time to get slaves as a workforce and fin out more traitors while showing everyone that the Vritra are the obvious enemy."

"As expected of you. You are taking the operation of the Vritra and use it to gain more than you can ever lose. It really is a shame. Nonetheless why do you believe that your plan will succeed? They might just not believe you."

"I have connections to the royal families of the elves and humans and I was trained by their lances. I hope my words will be enough to convince them to help me. I will get the information and then get the council to stop the attack before to many die or get heavily injured."

"You have one year at the most. Make the best out of it. Now go and use the elixirs so that you can become stronger as fast as possible."

I bowed toward him, turned around and hold my arm out for Sylvie to jump on. We went outside of the shop and out of the ally. Now everything should be prepared. Nico should have the necklaces for Elli and mom and I have the elixirs.

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