The Mindset

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The position of the typical atheist today can be summed up in the following way:

    Believing in God is not just wrong or misguided, it’s tantamount to insanity. It’s the same as believing in Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny. Since there is absolutely no empirical or scientific evidence for God, there can be no rational basis to believe in Him. Since God can’t be seen, felt, or heard with the senses, and since there isn’t any geological or fossil record of Him, and since He can’t be proven mathematically, He simply can’t exist, period.

    The reason why so many people throughout history have believed in God, they smugly assert, is because these poor ancient folk were ignorant of scientific facts. If they had known what we know, they never would have believed in something so absurd as God. (Yeah, how absurd, that's definitely not the big bang for you)

     As for the people today who still believe despite the marvels of scientific achievement, they’ve obviously been brainwashed by their religious upbringing, or have some kind of psychological need to believe in a supernatural being and an afterlife. They surmise this dependence comes from three primary sources: a fear of death, an unwillingness to accept the permanent loss of loved ones, and an inability to cope with life itself.  

    In other words, modern atheists think that those who believe in God fall into one of two general categories: we are either imbeciles or cowards.

    The bottom line is that atheists today do not acknowledge any connection between faith and reason. According to them, to be a believer means, ipso facto, that one must have below-average intelligence. It means that one has no ability to think rationally and lacks the necessary mental and emotional strength to face the problems of life unaided by recourse to prayer and other such “superstitious” practices. Mostly it means that one must be devoid of any real understanding of science.

    The most laughable thing about this position isn’t that it’s unfair or untrue—which, of course, it is—it’s that the position is so extraordinarily ironic. In fact, it’s one of the most hilarious parodies of rational argument ever put forth by anyone, anywhere, at any time. Even the most cursory glance at history shows that the whole discipline of rational thinking on this planet—as well as almost all of our scientific knowledge—comes not from atheists, but from the minds of men and women who believed deeply in God.

Don’t be wise in your own eyes. Fear the LORD, and depart from evil.
Proverbs 3:7

Why is it that atheists have been responsible for so many murders in history? Why is it that whenever an atheist regime takes the reins of power, life suddenly becomes so cheap? After all, atheists claim that their philosophy is "humane" because it centers on humanity and not some make-believe God. But if that’s true, why have atheist dictators tried to destroy so much of humanity? (I'm looking at you, Communism!)

    The answer is something atheists don’t want to hear. It’s something they refuse to admit. Yet it’s something so simple that even a child can understand.

    The solution to this murderous mystery is that, without God, there is no final ethical judge of anyone’s actions. Without God, there is no ultimate authority, no judgment day, no moral accountability. Atheist governments have killed more human beings than any religion in history because atheists don’t believe in a God who says that killing is wrong. They don’t believe in a “commandment” against killing. They don’t believe in a commandment against anything.

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