Chapter X - A Real Job

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"They did, but it's not as fresh as it was twenty minutes ago.." The warlock responds. Before she can get another word out, a magical hand seems to move from Miki to the tray, cutting out a bite of steak and bringing it to the demon, who inspects it. A splotch of sauce drips onto her dress, which she watches happen, unamused. Arlett, half panicking, speaks up, "I can fix that, Master! If you would like me to.." The demon's mischievous smirk returns, "Go ahead, Ari. Fix it." The warlock leans over slowly, reaching her hand out, summoning her master's own magic to form her spell. A soft light envelopes the stain, which disappears. Miki's smirk turns to an impressed nod, as she raises a hand up, patting her servant's hair in praise.

Arlett, now flustered, sits back up as her master giggles, amused by the reaction. "Hmm..." Miki continues, looking at the food in her magical hand, teasing, "Come here. You can sit a bit closer, I won't bite you this time." Arlett barely keeps herself together at this, her face now bright red. She looks down, avoiding the demon's controlling, scarlet eyes, as she scoots carefully along the sheets until she's sitting next to her master, but doesn't dare make contact. Miki subtly snickers, making no comment on the behaviour.

"Ready my magic, Ari. I have something for you to try." Miki informs her servant, who snaps out of her embarrassment to answer the call to action. She pulls some magic from the mark on her neck, letting it course through her hand. Handling magic has gotten easier, but it still takes a lot of focus. "That spell to clean is a good sign," Miki adds, "It supposedly comes with a few other abilities. Look at the meat in my hand. Try to focus on returning it to its fresh, warmer state." Arlett looks up, at the task given to her. The floating cube of meat is still warm, but not steaming anymore. As the warlock prepares to cast her spell, her stomach growls.

Miki smirks, watching her servant try to cast a new spell. The magic in Arlett's hand swirls and emits around, finding it's way to the steak in a similar way to the cleaning spell finding a surface. Waves of power wash over the meat, as steam starts to faintly fly away from it. "It worked?" Arlett ponders aloud, inspecting the chunk of her meal. Miki tosses it effortlessly into her mouth, chewing it with her glare finding the warlock's eyes. She swallows, then announces, "It worked. Your friend is quite the cook, considering this is just food for mortals." The demon starts to float about again, content with the tiny snack, "You warmed it back up. You're learning to use my magic so well, darling, I'm impressed."

As if on cue, Arlett's stomach growls aloud for the whole room to hear. Miki giggles, waving her hand loftily in a gesture to move along, "Go ahead, have your meal. Continue the story with telepathy, okay?" Arlett nods, thanking her master with her voice, then starts explaining with her mind. She recounts how Lailo got on stage, how they practiced a bit of their own magic, and as of earlier that night, how they can heal with said magic. "So," Miki interrupts out loud, "think they suspect anything?" Arlett looks up, her fork still in her mouth after taking a bite of carrot. She had never considered it before now. Did Lailo have any suspicion?

'All I've told them was that someone taught me some tricks. I never mentioned our deal or anything along that line.' Arlett thinks to her master, considering the question honestly. Miki hums in consideration of her servant's answer, then nods, "I don't care if you have someone to confide in, but be careful who you tell. Anyone who understands you is immediately more dangerous. So think it through a few times first, okay?" Arlett nods, eating up the advice faster than her actual meal.

The warlock places the tray on her side table, stretching before she stands from the bed. Miki's magic hand moves to her servant's pocket, pulling out the brush and holding it for Arlett to take. "Anything else I should know?" The demon asks, now floating in circles around the human. "One more thing," Arlett adds, "There was a fight that almost broke out, which normally wouldn't be a big deal, but the new commander of the guard was here, and he took care of it." She lets out a breath, finally announcing, "And that's my day. Lots of excitement, I even got to practice some simple magic!"

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Feb 19 ⏰

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