Chapter One To Blue Billy.

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Set In Hawkins Summer has ended, and we're back to school. This doesn't follow the original timeline Billy is saved from the Mind Flayer in the sauna in this world. Contains sexual themes and coarse language. A Y/n fic, strap your selves in for angst, smut and good old Steve and Robin banter. All characters mentioned belong to The Duffer Brothers.

Chapter One - To Blue Billy.

School had just started back at Hawkins High; with the weather still hot enough, I lapped up the sun at Hawkins Community Pool. I started swimming laps in the summer, something to do while my friends worked. I was offered a job next door at Orange Julius. I turned it down. Honestly, I didn't want to work; I wanted to focus on my writing. "Nice form", a voice beams behind me.

 I dry my hair in my towel, turning to face them. "Uh, thanks?" His eyes growing wide. "Y/n, is that you? since when did you come here?" "All summer Billy." Wrapping my towel around my waist, I go to walk away, but he steps a few feet back, walking backwards and following me. "You look different out of school" he looked me up and down, and I suddenly felt exposed in what I would think was a bland bikini top and shorts it wasn't like what Carol and Tina wore. I've gone to Hawkins since middle school. I've lived here all my life. When Billy moved to town, I can count the number of times I've spoken to him, and most were when we saved him from the Mind Flayer. 

He had changed a little since then; maybe he was nicer to Max, and maybe he didn't try to kill those kids after they saved his life and all, but he was still Billy... A dick.

"Yeah, so do you. My eyes can see clearly without that clash of double denim, everything blue, Billy matching your eyes to your clothes and car, a bit much, don't you think?" I scoff at him as I try to get passed.

"You staring into my eyes now, are you Y/n?" shaking my head, I let out a exhale nearly mistaken as a laugh. He looks around like he's trying to find someone, "so where's your boyfriend? is he yours, or is he dating that other girl you never seem to be without?"

"You keeping tabs on me now, Billy?"

"No, just, why are you alone at the pools?"

I'm over this interaction, and the frustration must be showing on my face.

"Just doing laps trying to get fit, we can't all look like Nancy Wheeler."

"That's your go-to hot girl?" He laughs, taking the lollipop stick out of his mouth. Shrugging, I finally walk towards the changing rooms. "See you around", he yells out to me; not turning around, I half-heartedly wave him off.

Home from the pools and fresh out of the shower, I hear my mom call out from the Kitchen, "Y/n! It's for you," I grab the phone from her.

 "It's Robin." She whispers before she walks away. 

"Hey, now listen", Robin rambles a million miles a minute. I didn't even get to say hello. Nodding at what she has to say even though she can't see me. Beep beep, a tone comes through the other end. 

"Robin, Robin, Robin!" I try to interpret her, but it's near impossible. "Jezz what?" She questions why I've stopped her tale of the latest Hawkins gossip. 'It's my other line, hold on, okay."

 "Fine" she reluctantly agrees. 


"Hey, it's Steve" 

"Hold on, Steve."

I patch Robin through "it's just Steve." 

'What's that Bozzo want." Robin teases. 

"Hey, I heard that." We all laugh and chat for far too long. 

"Y/n, it's nearly dinner time get off that bleeding phone, please". My Mother taps the landline as she walks passed with takeout in bags. 

"I gotta go, guys." 

"Later, losers", Robin hangs up before we can even say goodbye. 

"Hey, I've gotta take Robin to this thing out of town for her mom tomorrow. Will you be okay to get home? We're leaving school just after lunch."

"Yeah, Steve, I'll be fine."

"Phone now!" Steve hears my Mom's pissed-off voice on the other end. "See you tomorrow," I say as I hang up.

We sit down to dinner as my Dad tears apart the sofa looking for his keys. "There probably still in that car." My Mother rolls her eyes as she unwraps her burger. "Got 'em! He celebrates, throwing the keys in the air as he walks over to the table. My Dad checks his watch and then hurriedly scoffs down the rest of his burger, speaking with his mouth full, "Hoppers gonna be here in a sec." He kisses my Mom goodbye as he hears Hopper's car pull up. "Love you both", he yells halfway out the door. 

My Dad is a police officer; his been working nightshift with Hopper for the last few weeks. I told Hopper, no matter what, don't tell him about the upside-down the Demogorgon or anything, I don't think he will be able to handle it with everything that's going on with my parents they fight a lot. Mom works a lot, and so does he.

 I'm sure they were in love once upon a time, and maybe they still are. I wasn't sure, but it didn't seem like it. 

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