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"Alright Logic, what am I looking at?" Creativity asked, adjusting his mask on his face slightly. He stood in the alley, watching carefully as an older man ran down the street. People ran, yes, but not people in fancy business suits on the wrong side of town.

"Is that? No way. Creativity, that's Eric Shindell." Logic replied.

"Who the heck is Eric Shindell?" Morality asked gently, floating down and landing on a nearby roof.

Where did Creativity know that name from? Eric Schindell... Eric..

"I can't believe you both- that's the mayor!"
Logic replied. He was met by a chorus of "Ooohhh" from his companions. Logic rolled his eyes a little, chuckling. And then, the three would witness why the esteemed mayor of Claypool was sprinting down the street.

"Oh shit- four in pursuit, no weapons visible but watch yourselves." Logic said, seeing four men in slightly ruffled black suits running the same direction.

Roman hopped out from behind the building, running after the four. He threw up a forcefield in front of them, and then blocked off the connecting alleys. The four people froze, shocked at the appearance of the solid field. Semi-opaque red-tinted walls now blocked their escape.

"Logic go find the mayor, I'll help Creativity." Morality said. Logic nodded and floated himsef down to the ground, eyes glowing deep blue as he did so. Logan had to admit he felt cool doing that, using his telekenesis powers to fly. He took off down the street after the mayor.

As Logic ran down the street, Morality flew down to stand at Creativity's side.

"So, mind explaining why you're chasing after the mayor?" Creativity asked. That seemed to cause some chaos, the four men launching into an attack. Creativity summoned a forcefield attached to his arm, acting as a shield as he deflected a punch.

Morality hopped into the air, flipping over one of the assailants before kicking his leg out and tripping the man. The well-dressed man fell to the ground, groaning slightly. Morality hopped on top of him.

"Creativity, a little help?" Morality asked. Creativity glanced at Morality.

"I'll switch with you." Creativity said with a grin, Morality grabbing Creativity's arm and tossing him towards the fallen enemy, Creativity using forcefields to tie him to up, effectively restraining the criminal. Morality grinned, punching the second enemy in the stomach making him double over, before grabbing his arms and turning them behind the man's back, taking a moment to tie his hands together.

"Morality, behind you!" Creativity called, tossing his shield towards Morality trying to deflect the incoming hit from behind him. Morality, not finished restraining the second man, had one hand stuck to the guys's wrists and one hand free to fend off the second attacker. Creativity hopped up instantly and went to help, throwing another forcefield towards the second criminal who stumbled but managed to keep his balance.

However, that gave Morality the chance to throw a punch, landing it on the man's shoulder. Not ideal, but enough so when Creativity tossed another field the man flew backwards, Creativity restraining him sloppily but enough to hold.

Morality finished tying up the second guy, taking his time. He then started to gather the three tied up criminals.

"Morality!" Creativity called. Morality turned to look at the other hero, gasping. There was the fourth criminal, and Creativity, who's costume as a bit more red than normal, holding up a shield towards the criminal.

"Creativity- shoot!" Morality said, running over and grabbing the criminal by the back of his suit jacket, pulling him backwards. The criminal started to turn around to target Morality. Creativity summoned another shield and tossed it towards Moarlity and the criminal. Morality had been confused as to why, until the shield hits the criminal's hand and upon the assailant reflexively pulling his hand away, a small blade flew out of his fingers.

Morality frowned, looking at the criminal and yanking on the back of his jacket, tossing him to the ground. He placed his foot on the criminal's hand, kneeling on one knee straddled over the man's chest. Morality wasn't putting any weight on the criminals hand but the threat was there. He grabbed the shield Creativity had tossed, and jammed it into the cement next to the guy's arm, the man flinching, only for Morality to bend it and jam the other side in as well, holding the criminal to the ground.

"Creativity, you okay?" Morality asked, getting up and going over to Creativity. Creativity nodded, pulling his hand off his arm for a moment showing a slice in the skin.

"He just barely got me." Creativity replied. Morality thought for a second about what to do, looking at the four criminals. Morality picked Creativity up, lifting him out of the forcefield box and setting him down outside.

"Get them in a smaller box so they can't go anywhere, I'll go find Logic alright? Keep pressure on that wound." Morality said, Creativity nodded, putting all the criminals in a smaller box of forcefields, letting the road block's dissipate. He watched the criminals carefully.

Logic had found the mayor, but to be honest he didn't sound all too thankful. In fact, the fidgeting hands, the nervous expression, the shakiness of the voice... hmm. It was an interesting situation. But, Logan would attribute it to the adrenaline of being chased by four criminals.

"Logic! C'mon, lets pick up and get outta here." Morality said. He looked at Logic and the mayor, pausing for a moment. He could see the tension in the air.

"Creativity has a small wound, I wanna get him cleaned up." Morality said, Logic nodding. Logic turned and looked at the mayor, taking a deep breath.

"I trust you can escort yourself to safety?" Logic said. The mayor nodded quickly, heading off in the other direction from the heros.

Creativity sighed, peeking at his wound once more. Why was he always the one getting hurt on missions? The hero took off his sash and tied it on his arm above the wound, making a semi-functional tourniquet. He was about to make a snarky remark towards the captured assailants, but then, he heard fabric shifting and a weight hit the ground behind him. Roman kept his composure, acting like he hadn't heard a thing. Who could possibly be around him?

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