Chapter Six: Heartaches and Promises (TW DEATH)

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The next day, Rooster and Mel walked out on the tarmac, getting loaded into their planes. Phoenix smiled at Mel, "So what happened last night?"

Mel smiled, "None of your business." She teased. "I'll tell you later."

Phoenix smiled, "Mhm." She loaded into their plane, going for another simulation like they did the day before. However, luckily everyone almost survived. Or did they?

Just as the group started to head back to the base, birds flew into their line. "Shit BIRD STRIKE!" Mel yelled, however it was too late. Phoenix had been hit. She started trying to save the aircraft, but there was no prevail. After a few more minutes, Phoenix and Bob ejected.

Back at the base, Rooster and Mel sat in the rec room, waiting for any news of Phoenix and Bob, hoping they were okay. Maverick soon came in, looking at two, "They're keeping them in the infirmary overnight, but they're going to be okay."

Rooster nodded, keeping his arm around Mel. He looked up at Maverick, this was his chance to finally do it. He stood up, "Why did you pull my papers at the academy? Why did you STAND IN MY WAY?!"

Maverick sighed, "You weren't ready." 

"Ready for what? To fly like you?"

"To believe in your instinct. Don't think, just do."

"My dad believed in you." Rooster said.

This sent chills up Mel's spine as her phone went off. She looked down and immediately teared up. Her only father figure was officially gone. Iceman had died. She looked at Rooster, her eyes glistening with tears. "Roo..." And that's when he knew, he went to her and pulled her close, tightening his grip on her as she let out harrowing sobs that would scare any man, regardless of what they were doing.

Maverick looked down and walked from the room, going to Warlock's office to see what had went on.

Rooster helped Mel calm down and clean herself up. They met up with Carter and Sav, all loading into Rooster's Bronco. They went to the large house once occupied by Ice and Sarah, now just Sarah. They sighed at the countless amount of lights on throughout the house.

Mel took a deep breath, walking to the door. Sav, Carter, and Rooster all followed behind her. Sarah opened the door and immediately engulfed Melissa into a hug. They soon went in, sitting around the table. They told their favorite stories from when they were little, and talked about their memories.

"Remember that time in high school we all went study and were creeped out by him when he hit your window?" Sav said, looking at Mel.

Mel smiled, "I remember that." She giggled, "Rooster screamed like a little girl."

Rooster smiled, "I did not!"

Carter snorted, "Yes you did. "

Sarah smiled, "I remember hearing all kinds of screams and then him coming in laughing harder than I had ever seen him laugh before."

Mel smiled, "I remember a lot of those days. His favorite thing was to scare us all or make us laugh."

Sarah nodded, wiping her eyes, "He loved each and every one of you so much. He asked about you all every day."

Mel sighed gently, "I texted him every day...yet every time I'd walk in I'd feel like a terrible person."

"Why? Because you grew up and followed through with your plans? Because you decided to carry on what he had started?" Sarah asked, grabbing Mel's hands and holding them tightly. "You can't be hard on yourself for leaving and growing up. You can't beat yourself up for that."

Mel nodded as tears streamed down her face, "Because I know I'll never be him..." she started sobbing, in which Sarah engulfed her in a tight hug.

The group of four soon left and went back to their main base to grab some things. Rooster and Mel both grabbed a bag of things they would need for the night before going to stay at Carter and Sav's for the night. They felt it may be best, as none of them truly wanted to leave Mel alone for the night.

Carter and Rooster pulled out the sofa bed and all of them climbed on and sat cross legged, as they dealt Uno cards. They played round after round until they all started mistaking blue cards for green cards. Mel and Rooster took the fold out bed while Carter and Sav went to their bedroom. Rooster held Mel close, remembering the last promise he and ice had ever made to each other
~~Flashback 4 Years ~~
Rooster walked in to Admiral Tom Kazanky's office nervously. He had hardly been called in while he was at work, let alone at all without Melissa.

Ice looked around, hearing his door close, "Rooster, please sit." He motioned, to which Rooster did. "I'm sorry to take you away from your work, but I had to see you." He sighed, looking at the packet from the hospital on his desk. "I want to talk about Melissa." He handed over the packet from the table, "This came from the doctor today."

Rooster stared at the words which were typed on the page, realizing the true battle had only begun.

Ice sighed, "I want to make sure no matter what happens to me, that you will take care of her. You've been there from the very beginning. You've grew up with her, you know as much as I do about her, if not more."

Rooster looked at him, "Sir, you can't talk like you're dying now...we don't know anything."

"We know death is inevitable son. I need you to promise me that no matter what, you will take care of her."

Rooster nodded, "I promise."

Word Count 955


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