Chapter Three: Who's Your Daddy?

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At exactly 20:00 hours, Hangman, Rooster, and Whamo made their way to the conference room. Maverick was sitting at the head of the table, waiting for the other three. As they entered, he nodded at them. "Alright, we need to talk. This is affecting the mission. Everything that's happening with the four of us needs to be acknowledged and it needs to be settled NOW, or this mission will not succeed."

Melissa sighed, "I'm settled. I've said everything I needed to." Hangman pulled her close, wrapping his arm around her in a protective, brotherly stance. "I let it fly to both of you, and after the way you talked to me sir, I believe I'd rather leave than get lectured again."

Rooster sighed, "Whamo...let him talk." He truly hoped that Maverick had changed his snarky way of approaching this, although everyone knew that was nearly impossible. "He may have something else to say..."

Hangman glared at Rooster, "How do you know? All you every did for her was lead her to believe that you two would have the perfect fairy tale ending before you up and left her in the dust. She didn't have her wingman or her boyfriend. She needed both and she didn't have EITHER. You say you care for her grow a fucking pair and show her you damn well care! Because obviously right now you're toying with her heart."

Whamo rubbed her face, not wanting to get in the middle of this conversation. Maverick rubbed his face, "That's enough! Sit your asses down. I'm talking now. Alright, you three are obviously some sort of dysfunctional family in your own way, so I have no problem with the boys hearing this part of the conversation. Mitchell, stand at attention." He stood up to face her as she stood sternly, hands fisted behind her back. She looked him dead in the eye, however all he saw were his eyes looking back at him, along with a longer version of his dark, coal black hair. "You did all this without me, I don't know if you having me now is the best thing for you." He sighed. "So, I'm going to leave you with this and your flying will show me how you feel. You're good, I don't know how you were able to figure out that cobra shit, but as your teacher I have to say that was some of the best leadership and flying. However, as your Dad, I have to say that was a bullshit move that's going to get you and your entire team killed. At ease." He sat down, followed by Whamo.

Whamo glared at him, "You're a father, not a dad. There's a huge difference. One is actually there for his kid and her struggles." She sighed, "As far as I'm concerned, until you decide to step up and talk to Mom and then decide to actually take the rank of Dad, I have all I need. I have a mother, Hangman: my brother, and Phoenix: my sister. They've been with me through it all up until Iraq and I plan to keep it that way. I'll take you down any day old man. Try me."

Maverick sighed, "Alright, that entire statement brings me to my next order of business. You two are letting whatever struggles you've had get in your way. I talk to Rooster's mother quite regularly, I look out for this kid."

Whamo sighed, "When you can't even check on your own daughter. How shocking."

Maverick looked at them, "Hangman, want to explain? You're the third party in all this. I've heard what Rooster's mom has told, tell me the other side of this whole thing."

Hangman nodded, easing up and resting on the table, "Well, Rooster and Wham had been together for a while, actually they got together one of the first weeks we had all been stationed here. We all got to stay relatively close by, helping out the new recruits from time to our opinions on matters. Well, even after we all got one of our first assignments which were still close to each other, Rooster and Wham were stationed together...wingmen." He rubbed his face, looking at the two others who were now glaring daggers in to each other. "Fast forward a few years, Wham had heard some rumors that Rooster here was ready to move from this location, and she was preparing herself to go. She heard where he was going, and she just knew that she would be leaving as his assigned wingman. Which, eventually came through. She had the papers in her hand with the assignment."

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