Chapter 8 - A Missing Link

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The next morning, all of the aviators made their way onto the carrier ship that would soon lead them to the uncertain mission. Tension, competition, a hope of not being selected, and other things filled the rooms that they would go in as they made the carrier ship their home. 

One after the other, they all approached a rooming list. Together Phoenix, Glasses, and Whamo would be pieced together for a long ride out to sea and back. Of course they were used to it, but it never ceased to make them all a bit sick. However this time, things were a little different. 

Mel sat on her bottom bunk, taking everything in while the others were up on the deck or exploring the ship. The first time she would be out to sea without the main father figure in her life awaiting her return. Everything seemed different. She had once again gained an important person in her life, only to loose another weeks later. Nothing seemed right to her. 

As she spiraled, a knock came to the door. "Come in" she replied, standing up and taking a deep breath. 

Rooster walked in and smiled at her gently. "I thought I'd find you here." He walked to her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. "What's wrong? Usually you're one of the first ones up on deck." 

Melissa sighed, looking at him as to communicate in an unspoken language. Rooster simply nodded, knowing what she was thinking. He pulled her closer to him, embracing her in a hug. "You know that no matter what you have people who love you." he mumbled into her ear. 

Mel nodded, taking a deep breath. "I know...I just wish he could see everything right now is all. I've come so far because of him." 

Rooster smiled, "I don't think you've come this far ONLY because of him, Melissa." he said, taking her hands into his and looking down into her eyes. "You're here today because you wanted it. You pushed yourself to work harder than anyone to be here. are the reason you are here. Sure Iceman may have helped along the way, helping you with your homework or whatever. But at the end of the day, you are here because of YOU." 

Before Melissa could speak or anything, a loud booming voice came over the intercom, "ALL NAVAL AVIATORS TO ROOM 106. ALL AVIATORS TO ROOM 106." 

Rooster slipped his arms around her for one last hug before they both made their way to the room where the other pilots were all standing and talking to each other. 

Bob and Phoenix could be seen closer to the front, chatting about the difference the runway makes on land versus sea. Carter and Sav were talking about how they were craving some macaroni and cheese with beer. Mel smiled, listening to these conversations, thinking about what all she would have to talk about if her mind wasn't flooded with the words Rooster had said before they exited her bunk. 

Maverick, Cyclone, and Warlock entered the room, forcing the conversations to cease and all pilots to stand at attention. 

"You all have shown a large amount of growth." Cyclone started. "The Navy has plenty of well trained pilots to see it through. However, today one solo and two foxtrot teams will be chosen to fly this mission. Maverick." 

Maverick sighed, stepping up and looking at the large group of aviators. 

"Choose your two foxtrot teams." 

"Phoenix and Bob. Glasses and Lefty." Maverick listed, watching the relief fall over some faces. 

"And your wingman?" 

"Rooster." Maverick responded, looking at the prospects. 

"The five of you and Maverick need to make your way to the deck for a final briefing. The rest of you should get dressed to be put on standby. Dismissed." 

Whamo looked at Rooster and sighed gently before walking out of the room away from everyone. Thoughts raced through her head, the fact she could loose everyone else important to her, as well as, (although she hated to admit it) her true father. 

If her day hadn't had been rough to begin with, she now had to watch the people she loved fly off into the abyss and possibly hear their last words through a headset. 


 Word count 714


I know, she's been through so much right? Who doesn't love a good character filled with trauma? lol Love ya, see you soon! Keep me accountable before I forget about this fic! 

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Apr 19, 2023 ⏰

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