Chapter One: Welcome back to TOP GUN

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Melissa sat in her old bunk from years ago, trying to figure out why she had been called back to the base of elite men and women. She sighed, looking out toward the base and reliving some of her happiest moments. She soon shook away all of the feelings that had decided to attack her from behind and got dressed into her khaki brown uniform. She straitened all of her pins once she had settled inside and straightened her hair, running her finger over her name tag which read, "MITCHEL." She longed to meet the legendary pilot which had given her life. She sprayed her hair with hairspray once more, and then grabbed her keys, phone, and wallet as she walked out the door to her car. At this point, she didn't know where she would go, but she needed out of the room she had been in. However, when all direction seemed lost, her phone buzzed and the familiar name "HANGMAN" came through with a text message: "Meet me at the bar, I know you're here. That bright yellow Jeep can be seen for miles." She giggled, putting her key in the ignition and driving to the bar.

Once she pulled in, she surveyed the area for any other familiar vehicles. All that stood was Hangman's truck and a red Kawasaki motor sport bike (which could honestly use a bit of a wash). She smiled and got out of her car, walking inside and looking around. She smiled at Penny and ordered a beer, handing her the money as she handed her the brown bottle, she giggled as she saw the older black headed gentleman sitting at the bar eyeing her mother, Penny. Looks like you have a lover boy," she teased, walking away before she could leave any room from a response from her mother.

Penny chucked, "If only you knew sweetheart..." She smiled, looking back at Maverick, once again engulfing him in conversation, catching up on small things through the last 30 years. How could she possible tell him that he had a 2o something year old daughter who he had never known about, AND that she was on the same base? Worse, how did she tell her own daughter that her dad was on the base, and she actually walked right by him?

As her mother had this internal struggle, Melissa walked over to the pool table, "And I thought I had taught you a lesson the last time we were here?" She giggled, picking up a pool stick and taking a swig of her beer.

Hangman smirked, the other two men behind him looking a bit confused at the lack of snark in his response. "Well, I thought it was time for a rematch." He chuckled, engulfing her into a hug. After he let go, he smiled, "Whamo, this is Payback and Fritz, Gentlemen, this is Whamo. She has that call sign for a reason."

Melissa chuckled, "Well you'd know all about that. How's the boys down under?" She giggled, breaking the balls set up on the pool table.

Hangman laughed, "God I've missed my work sister." This received a chuckle from the group as Phoenix and a few others made their way in. As the group teased around and messed with each other, the round bell rang out and everyone cheered at the mistake of the "old timer." They continued messing around, drinking and having a good time.

However, out in the parking lot, an older and more rusted convertible jeep pulled in to a spot. "Shit" he mumbled before getting out of his vehicle in his khakis, white tank top, and bright yellow Hawaiian shirt. He walked in the bar and pulled off his aviator glasses, walking toward the pool table with all of his old friends.

Phoenix smiled, "So they were letting anyone in here, huh Rooster?" She chuckled, teasing him.

Rooster chuckled, "It's terrible to see you too." He smiled, looking around and soon locking eyes with Melissa. "Whamo, you're looking good."

She smirked, looking at Hangman who was ready to step in between the two at any time. "Well, I'd be a whole lot better if I felt this good, but ya know, three years in a relationship and tossed to dry works two." She was always known for a good jab when there was a possibility, which led to her callsign. Well, that and the fact she never hesitated to hit someone with an unannounced "cup check."

Hangman laughed, smirking at Rooster. "She pinned you there...I didn't know I'd have so little competition. Too bad they couldn't bring a real man to compete with."

Rooster rolled his eyes, "Yeah, too bad there isn't any real competition here." He walked off, leaving the group to themselves once more as the overboard bell sounded. During this time, he unplugged the jukebox and started working the piano. Although this earned an eye roll from Whamo, everyone else gathered around the piano, cheering him on.

Hangman came back in from tossing out the older man, smiling at the group. However, his joy soon ceased when he saw Melissa at a table in the corner drinking a small glass with brown liquid - brandy. He walked over to her, "Alright, you're drinking brandy and sulking in the corner. Are we talking about this here or are you going to grow a pair and fight him like the real Mitchel you are?"

Melissa sighed, "I'd like to sit here and sulk, but I know the only answer you're bound to accept is to grow a pair and just fight him off the best way I know how." She took one last swig, "I need to go work this out, I'm going back to my bunk." She softly smiled, hugging him gently, "I'll see you tomorrow. I really missed you, you know." With that final sentence, she walked to the bar, handing her mother the empty glass and some more money to cover what she had drank.

Penny smiled at her daughter, "Be safe, I'll check on you tomorrow."

With that, Whamo left the building. She saw the older man from the bar peeping through the window. She laughed, "That's a bit creepy, maybe next time don't have a card that will decline." She giggled, getting into her car and driving to her bunk. She got in and settled on her bed, looking through the basic fighter jet manuals one more time. It was the one thing she could read that seemed to calm her nerves.

The next day, the group that had been messing with each other at the bar the night before, were now sitting in a classroom overlooking the planes. She tapped her pencil on her desk, looking around at the others. Phoenix and Bob were chatting, trying to know each other a bit better. Soon, one of the main staff of the program came in, which ordered the entire group at attention. "You are all here for a reason. The best of the best. A uranium plant which was a violation of NATO is currently being built and the Pentagon needs to assemble a team to destroy it. Your instructor is going to help you understand what you're up against. He was a student here at one time. I wish you luck. Welcome your instructor Lieutenant Pete Mitchel, callsign Maverick. You may be seated."

Melissa shrunk in her seat and looked at Hangman, who was seated beside her. "Fuck me.." she mumbled, pointing to her name badge.

Welcome back to Top Gun.

Word Count: 1260
I'm excited for this new story! I'm going to try to be more consistent with uploading, let's see how this goes!

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