Chapter 5: Reunion

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The next day, classes came and went as normal. They flew, had a chat about how they flew, and then went to study the maneuvers that they would need to succeed in the mission. However, Rooster had a small surprise for Melissa in store. He figured after finding out she was working with both him and the father that left her at such a young age, she could use a bit of a pick me up.

He went to Melissa after their last class of the day, "Meet me at the Hard Deck in ten minutes. Trust me on this."

That's not suspicious. Nevertheless, ten minutes later Melissa sat at her mom's bar drinking an ice water (👀). She sighed, looking around for Rooster, who she had been waiting for. As she glanced around the bar, she saw two people she thought she'd be lucky to ever see again. The people she had loved most, the people who helped her the entire way through high school. Savannah Lomack and Carter Lee. She lit up brightly and ran to the table in the corner, tackling Sav in a hug. "You're here and you didn't text me! I should be low key pissed at you right now!"

Sav laughed, hugging the girl back, "Rooster told me not to text you. It's not my fault." 

"That asshole!" She giggled, sliding in a seat at the table beside Savannah. "God I missed you!"

"Thanks for acknowledging my presence Mel!" Carter chuckled, smiling at her.

Mel laughed and got up, hugging him. "Does that make you feel better?"

Carter chuckled, "Very much so."

Melissa laughed with the two, catching up with them on everything that had happened since they last saw each other.

"Okay, so spill the tea. What's up with you and Rooster?" Sav asked, smiling at her best friend.

"There's nothing going on between us. We had a misunderstanding that made me royally pissed off, I spat a few words, we were taken off of each other's duty, he came and explained himself last night and now we're friends again." Mel explained, taking a sip of her water.

Carter smiled, "That's not how it sounded when he called us to get our asses down here. He said most of that, but he sounded more in love than you're letting on."

Melissa sighed, "If he wants to get back together, that's fine by me. I mean, I don't want to be the one to assume we're back together simply because we forgave each other. Truth is, we've both changed...a lot."

Savannah patted Mel's head, "You poor, poor, thing. You still have no idea how love works." She giggled softly, "It doesn't matter if you've both changed some or a whole lot. If you two were meant to endure, who gives a shit how long the break was?"

Mel nodded, "You're right. I'm being a total dickweed."

Carter snorted, "Honestly, when are you not?" He teased. This made Mel laugh, and Sav hit him on the back of the head playfully.

Penny smiled, walking over to the group with three pina coladas. "You three have never been quiet in my bar." She chuckled, handing them out to each person at the table. "Just try not to completely wreck it this time." She teased, walking back to the bar to wait on some other customers.

"Oh my god she still remembers that!?" Sav laughed, smiling at her best friend and boyfriend.

"Who doesn't remember that, Sav?" Carter laughed, "You almost turned this bar into a strip show."

Savannah looked down, "Damnit I hoped you were too drunk to remember that."

Mel laughed, "You danced on the table ALL night long to Queen and ABBA. Even if we were drunk out of our minds, we're damn well going to remember that."

Savannah sighed,  "Fuck me..." she mumbled.

"Okay!" Replied Carter.

"NOT LITERALLY!" Sav laughed. This caused Mel to laugh so hard she snorted like a pig.

Rooster walked in, smiling when he heard the snort that could only come from Melissa. He walked over, sitting by Carter, "How's this for a surprise?"

Mel smiled, wiping her eyes from tears of laughter, "Literally the best surprise ever." She sipped her drink, trying to calm herself down. "It hurts to laugh."

"When you're with us, it always does." Carter responded.

"That's accurate." Mel smiled, looking at Rooster. "Thank you. I really needed this."

Rooster smiled proudly, "I knew you did, these two just returned stateside and I couldn't find a better opportunity."

Sav smiled, "We hadn't hardly got off the carrier ship when our phones started ringing off the damn hook."

"Sorry!" Rooster chuckled.

"You're lucky we love you." Carter said, smiling at him.

Mel smiled, taking everything in. Simply being here with her friends was enough for her. She loved everyone that currently surrounded this table, and was happy to have them all back here and all relationships back to normal.

Soon, Sav and Carter were exhausted and went to their apartment after making plans to meet back up with Rooster and Mel.

Rooster looked at the girl across from him, "Hey, why don't we go get some air?"

Mel nodded, "That sounds good." She smiled, getting up and walking down to the beach with him. She smiled, seeing the orange and red in the sky. "Red sky at night, sailor's delight."

Rooster chuckled, "I hope so." He smiled, wrapping an arm around her shoulder, which made her relax into him.

Mel smiled, sighing contently as she washed the waves crash on the shore. "It's so beautiful out here. I wish I could stay here forever."

Rooster chuckled, "My view is even more beautiful." He said, looking down at her.

Mel blushed, smiling at him brightly. "I really missed you..."

Rooster smiled, "I missed you too." He held her close, kissing her head gently. "I missed us."

Mel smiled, "I missed us too."

Rooster twirled her around so she was completely facing him. "I don't want to leave you ever again."

Mel smiled up at him brightly, "I don't want to ever leave you again either."

With that, Rooster leaned in, kissing her. For the first time in forever, they both felt like they were safe. They melted into each other's arms. A few seconds later, Rooster pulled away gently. "I love you, Melissa Mitchell."

Mel smiled, "I love you more Bradley Bradshaw."

Word Count: 1065


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