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A Long time ago, a night with the thunder of rumble, rain patters against the window and wind rush across the field......

In a hospital, suddenly a loud voice of crying was heard 'waahhhh....waahhhh'. A person in a 3 peice black suit radiating his dark aura around himself was sitting outside the room from where loud sounds were coming. Suddenly, he heard a baby crying and rush towards that room and sees a small beautiful creature in nurses hand crying like there is no tomorrow but the thing that the small little creature doesn't know that it just the starting. Doctor gave a *sigh* and said 'sorry, mr.Kim we can't save your wife and other baby but you are blessed with a girl child.' There was complete silence in the room until mr. Kim spoke with giving death glares to doctor 'kill this baby and I will pay you for this'. Doctor got shocked of sudden words by that person. Doctor was going to speak something 'but sir....'

Phone ranged........

He picked it up and got shocked and said 'I am coming right now' and was going and said 'cover my wife and baby's corpse and I will return tomorrow to collect their bodies and this baby.... KILL HER.... And money will be in your account after an hour, plus, don't need to worry it will be enough for you to not work for next 10 years'. With this he left and doctor was stunned with the things that happened..... then a nurse asked 'Dr.Jenny, would you kill this child?'......

'NO...I won't.....instead I will take care of this child as my own and from today onwards she is my cute, lovely and beautiful daughter'......she said with confidence and took the child from nurse hands and by giving a long peck on her forehead, she said 'my lovely daughter'.....

Doctor said 'Nurse complete the procedures of death certificate and inform mr. Kim about this and tell him that her daughter is dead'.... Suddenly nurse asked ' you should inform him about this.'

Nurse said with a worried look on her face and then doctor said 'If I tell him about his daughter being alive then he would kill, all of us with his daughter and you know it very well, who is he and and what he can do to us'......

They left the operation theatre.... 

While sitting in her room, she was mesmerised by the looks of the child and said 'Daughter don't worry, I will love you like my own child..... you and me are same... we both need love and care... so we will become support for each other from now onwards'

After that she put her head on table for rest and suddenly her phone rang.... She flinched and picked it up without checking the number.... She was going to say something then the person on the phone said 'Thank you doctor for your hard work and I will be transferring the money.' After listening to this she said in angry voice 'sir, no need to say thank you and I don't need your money so don't transfer it..... I hope one day you would realise that the mistake you have done today is equal to regret.....'

The person said 'No need to worry doctor, I won't regret and I guess that girl was unlucky for me.... When the nurse informed me that she died, I got the most happiest news in my life so don't care too much and if you don't need money then that's fine because it's your decision..... so have a good day..... and a GOODBYE DOCTOR' and the phone was cut.

Doctor sighed heavily *sighhh*

She said 'Little Princess don't worry, mom will take care of you... *with a bright smile* and now it's time to think of a name for you princess'.......

then she started thinking and searching on her phone... until her mind strike with a name.....


The best name that she could thought of and then she said while staring at stars from her window 'I always wanted to have a child and you know Chris we thought if we have a daughter we would name her VALENTINA and if a son then RICHARD but god had something else for us as he took you from me ...and I hope you would bless our daughter from up' with this, her tears fell down from her eyes and she started crying......

But then baby started crying and she wiped her tears and went to her while picking it up and patting her back softly and by making faces so she started laughing and she did. Then to that soft little creature Valentina she said 'my baby girl Valentina, we will move from here so that I can give you a better life and away from these harmful and ruthless people who can try to harm you..... daughter we will move far far away to start a new chapter in our life' and she kissed her forehead and started singing a lullaby

"Twinkle, twinkle, little star,

How I wonder what you are

Up above the world so high,

Like a diamond in the sky.

When the blazing sun is gone,

When he nothing shines upon,

Then you show your little light,

Twinkle, twinkle, all the night."

After that when the baby slept then she called someone to arrange flight tickets for both of them and prepare child's passport as soon as possible. Then she called the director and told him about the resignation and story which changed her life starting today.

(Director was a good friend of doctor and he understood and then he said something to her.....blah....blah.....blahhhh and after listening, first she was hesitating and then after sometime she agreed and said YES)

Then she put the girl in small cradle and started to pack her stuff to clear the room and after some time she called the nurse from outside and said 'Thank you for such a wonderful time in this hospital that I have with you guys and hope to meet you in future and also, hope that about today it always remains a secret between us..... I am leaving this place for better future of my daughter and to start a new life'..... The nurse agreed and said 'I know that and take care of yourself and this child and in near future if you need help, call me and I promise this secret will never be out'. The nurse smiled happily and the doctor handed the keys of the room to her and by bowing and hugging she said her goodbye....and left from that room by picking her lovely daughter and said 'LET'S GO'............. And they left by waving a goodbye to the nurse......

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