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"I hope the sun won't bother you too much, Y/n~..." Orihara lead Y/n out to the courtyard with a pair of bentos in her hands, an excited smile on her face as she watched the boy shake his head. "It's perfect... Some fresh air during lunch can be relaxing at times..."


Orihara sets the bentos down next to her as Y/n sits on the other side. "But you didn't have to go through the trouble to make me lunch... I know you're busy with your judo and whatnot..."

"It's fine!~ What's one more lunch gonna do to me?~" she asks, handing a bento to the boy and then looked for her drink.

That's when it hits her, "So that's what I was missing... A drink..." she pouts in a sad manner before something catches her ears. "I can grab us some drinks..." she finds Y/n standing up from the bench, concerned about him.

"A-Are you sure? You won't get hurt, right?"

"It's not far, I think I can manage a quick stroll to the vending machine..." he points at the one behind their bench, as much as she wants to go against it, "Be careful, Y/n..." she told him as he smiled to her concernment and heads for the vending machine.

He grabs a pair of drinks, an orange juice for Orihara and a d/c for himself. Y/n was glad to be somewhat helpful to the redhead, she did take time out of her schedule to make lunch for him so this was the least that he could do.

Smiling brightly, he goes to Orihara only to stop.

A pair of boys nearby as judging from afar, Orihara wasn't pleased to see nor talk to them. It worried Y/n, "...Shit... What to do... What to do..."

What could he do? He's sick, he's not physically active, there was no way he could confront a pair of stronger boys without having to face some unwanted conflicts that could ruin his body.

He thinks for a second.

Then an idea lights up.

"...It's the only idea that won't put us in danger... Only thing is I gotta jog quickly..."

He quickly yet carefully jogs towards where the three students were as he slows a little when he was close enough.


"Hey, hun~..." he smiles brightly as he sets the drinks down next to the girl and hugged her from behind. "I got you some orange juice like you wanted~... Shall we get this mini date started?~"

That left Orihara speechless.

She was red, unlike her hair she was tomato colored as Y/n's small arms slithered around her neck and found his face so close to her. She hasn't taken the time to admire them but his e/c eyes were nothing like she remembers before.

Cute, innocent, they remind her of puppies for some reason. But to describe that about Y/n who was already attractive in her own way was more than enough to get her heart racing.

Finally, Y/n glanced up to meet his gaze with the two boys near Orihara. "...Hm? Who are they?" He asked, "unaware" of the boys' presence as one of them clicked his tongue in disappointment.

"Tch... She's got a boyfriend..."

But the other had something on his mind.

"But he looks weak..."

From this line alone, Y/n knew.

He knew exactly what the strange boy was going to pull next as quickly as he could, he climbs over the bench and blocked them from Orihara.

"Leave us alone... We just want to enjoy our time together..." he pleads to them as the one who made the assumption of his strength stares at him.



He punches him in the jaw. At first, he thought it was a one and done moment for someone like Y/n. But when he stared back at the boy who was unfazed of the punch, it made him rethink about what he had done as the h/c leans his head back.


A headbutt as that took the unknown boy to the ground. "Y/n?!" Orihara yelled as the second unknown boy was in shock.

"Holy fuck!"

Y/n had some blood on his forehead. It didn't matter in the moment because the next thing Y/n did was turn his attention towards the boy still standing and grabs the collar of his shirt.

"No! Mercy! Mercy!" He raised his hands in the air and waited for Y/n's response.


Thankfully for him, Y/n let's go as he did not hesitate to get his friend up from the ground and helped him get away from the two friends that were trying to enjoy a meal together.

Watching everything unfold and end in a satisfying note, she turns to Y/n with a grateful smile.

"...Y/n... Thank-"



Y/n suddenly coughs and blood spewed onto the ground. "...Medicine..." he motions for Orihara to grab his meds in his bag as he takes a small sip of his newly bought drink to rinse his mouth a little and grabbed his medicine from Orihara.

He takes a pill, not in Ibiza, but in Japan and waited for the effects to kick in.

"Are you okay?"

He raised a hand in front of Orihara, silently telling her he was trying to figure it out before giving a thumbs up. "Yeah... I don't know if I shouldn't have jogged or hopped over the bench like a parkourist but I wanted to end this quickly..." Y/n rubs the back of his neck now and takes a seat next to her, looking concerned.

"But you were so cool... Protecting me from those boys..." Orihara managed to read his face well and smiled softly. He couldn't help but do so as well. "...Thank you..." he said as the two would continue their break together and ate their lunch before classes began.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2023 ⏰

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