Anime Convention

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"This place is so huge!~"

It's the weekend as Orihara and Y/n was in front of a large building where a huge number of people stayed by. Orihara's eyes sparkled with glee, smiling widely as she ran ahead and twirled at the amazing stalls and cosplayer and whatnot as she laughed.

"...This is a convention... It'd be a time waster if it was small instead..."

Then there was Y/n.

I promise you he's not a party pooper or anything, he's just not someone that can be excited easily as he follows the redhead who continued to run ahead of him.

"Come on, Y/n!~ Why are you so slow?~"


Y/n only stopped and stare at her, she does the same until she realized the reason why.


She immediately runs to his feet and bowed her body down to the ground.

"I'm so sorry, Y/n!"

"I-It's fine... I'm not mad or anything..."


"Yes... so please lift your head up..."

"Okay!~" she replied with a gleed tone which threw Y/n off.

...How can she be so happy all the time?

That's a question he wanted to be answered as she skips ahead of him into the convention center as Y/n followed behind. She turns to him with a wide smile, "So where do you want to go to first?~"

Y/n shrugs softly, "Anywhere is fine with me... We have a lot of time and there are a lot of shops..."

"Okay!~" she says before looking at the shops that was near the entrance and points at one.

"Let's go over there then!~"

She runs to the shop that was named "Neon Elements", Y/n follows as he observed the shop from a few feet.

...Doesn't seem so neon to me... but it looks promising...

Y/n continues to watch Orihara near the booth until she picks something from the shelf and runs over to him.

"We should get one!~"

She shows him what it was, a phone socket that sticks to the back of their phones as she presents one of Mezuko. The boy tries to decline her offer.

"I-I'm fine without one..."


Immediately, she stares at him with a pair of puppy eyes. She sulked in a manner that showed cuteness in everyone's eyes.

Including to Y/n who got flustered and blushed madly, glancing down slightly.



She exclaims excitedly before grabbing a few other things from the booth like stickers and some jet tags and paid for it all in a flash. His eyes widens when he sees how quick she can be as she hands Y/n his phone socket.

"Here's your's!~"


He grabs it from her and takes a look at what character she got for him.


It was Sensu, eyes wide and screaming as he takes a second to think how she was able to remember who Y/n's character was, glancing up at Orihara who firmly pasted the accessory onto the back of her phone and smiled widely.

Orihara x Bullied Male ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora