Wherefore Art Thou, Trollhunter? and the V̵͎͕̿̈ȯ̴͔̜͓̊i̸̦̇̈́d̵̺͖̭̓?̴̨̱̱͑͆ Part 1

Start from the beginning

Jim turned and walked towards it slowly, a smile spreading to his face, “Look at that, it’s amazing!”  

You walked up next to Jim, “Yeah it is, although…”  

Jim hummed while glancing at you.  

“As amazing as it is, I have a feeling it is going to be one of a key piece to a catastrophe,”  you murmered as a nagging feeling pulled at your soul.  

“Heartstone,”  Aaarrrgghh said, slowly telling you the name of the massive and beautiful orange and yellow stone that seemed to have a life to itself.  

“The lifeforce of trollkind,”  Blinky continued.  “The means that keep us from crumbling to stone and the source of light and sustenance,” 

Toby turned to Jim with a grin on his face, “Okay, that’s totally the bomb.”  

You tilted your head and murmer to yourself, “A blessing in disguise,”

“What are humans doing here?”  Questioned a male troll, which caused all of you to turn around to find a massive crowd gathered.  



“I think we’ve attracted the paparazzi,”  Toby said nervously.

Blinky went in front of the three of you hoping to calm the crowd down, “Friends, there is no need to be afraid.  He is the Trollhu-”  

“What is this?”  Growled a voice as a massive blue troll came pushing through the crowd massive tan horns sporting on his head and dark blue spikes on his back as more armor, cut Blinky off before he could finish.  

Blinky nervously backed up as he put his hands together, “I was just getting to that Draal.”  

Draal huffed greatly angered, “Human feet have never sullied the ground of Trollmakret before,”  Drawl came right up to Jim and examined him before glaring down at you although you didn’t back down or move like Jim did.  And just glared him down with an equal amount of ferocity, “Who are these fleshbags?”  

Toby hid behind Blinky while you crossed your arms staring down Draal, “Believe it or not, he is, um…”  Blinky patted his hands together as if a child trying to figure out how to tell their parents they broke something, “How do I put this?  Our new, Trollhunter.”  Blinky said nervously, mentally preparing himself for the inevitable backlash.  

Everyone gasped, even the little Gnomes although one scurried over to you and hugged you at the feet you chuckled at the little guy and offered a hand which the Gnome immediately climbed up onto and scurried up to the top of your head nestling into their.  While the others hid behind the feet of some other trolls.  

Draal explained in a disbelief, “He can’t be the Trollhunter.  He’s not a troll!”  Draal raised his fist in anger and slammed them down onto the ground.  Causing Jim to yelp and walk backyards into Aaarrrgghh.  

Aaarrrgghh furrowed his eyebrows, “Amulet chose,”  Draal just growled and roared slightly at Aaarrrgghh in retaliation.  

Blinky’s eyes widened as he tried to settle them down, “Try to remain calm.  Destiny is just-”  

“Show’em Jimbo,”  Toby said rensurelingly.  

Jim looked at you for guidance, which you nodded in return.  Jim took a deep breath in and took out the amulet, which was now glowing a light blue color, “For the power of Merlin-” 

“Glory,” Blinky corrected.  

JIm cringes slightly, “Right, sorry,”  Taking in another breathe he starts again.  “For the Glory of Merlin, Daylight is Mine to Command,”  the amulet ticked, and Jim was enveloped in a blue glow, and the next thing everyone knows he was in his arm  

“Pretty cool, right?”  Jim says with an awkward smile.  

Some Gnomes just whimpered and scurried out of there.  

“A human? Protecting us?”  Questioned a female troll with a dark brown hair and a light green stone, and right after a troll next to her fainted to the ground.  

“Bushigal!”  Draal huffed, clenching his fists, “I am Draal, son of Kanjigar and the amulet’s rightful heir!”  Putting one of his hands to his chest.  

Jim’s face went into panic mode, “Uh, you’re his son?”  JIm turned to Aaarrgghh, “He’s his son?”  

Toby gasped slightly to himself as his eyes drifted around in a thoughtful moment, “Yeah, I can see how this could be a problem.” 

You just sighed and crossed your arms as the Gnome on top of your head peaked out to watch what would happen unfold, “When my father fell, the honor should have been passed onto me!”  Draal proclaimed.

He then grimped the amulet to try to take it off, but both were pushed away from each other by a blue mist and air wave.  Causing Jim to fly back with you and Aaarrrgghh catching him, and Draal fly back onto his back, and his face consorted into a frown as he stood back up.  

“Amulet choose,”  Aaarrrgghh said once again, gesturing to Jim with a bit more firmer tone than before.  

“We’ll see what Vendel has to say about this…”  Growled Draal has he titles his head towards Blinky as he walks pasts and around him as if slightly taunting him.  

“Feel free to fetch him. In the meanwhile, lots of Trollhunter business to be done,”  Blinky says as he walks away, as he takes a quick and small bow and starts walking towards another set of stairs leading to a different area, “Draal, wonderful to see you as always,”  

Jim just chuckles and turns around and shrugs his shoulders at him, with a slightly cocky smile on his face before turning back around and walking with the rest of the group.

You sighed as you watched the group walk away. You turned and walked towards Draal with a cincere look on your face as he growls angrily. 

“I do apologize for my friends behavior,”  you said to him. He just huffs and growls.  “As much as you may hate it, we may be seeing each more often, so I would like to properly introduce myself.”  He narrows his eyes at you distaste but curiosity hidden in his eyes as he takes a glance at the Gnome snugging into your hair.  

“My name is Y/n L/n, pleasure to meet you…”  You reached out with your dominate hand unknowingly, showing the bracelets off as your sleeve rolled up your arm.  

Draal stared down at your hand and at the three bracelets that were stuck to your wrist, eyes slightly wide but quickly scrubs that look of his face as he relaxes some as he looks up at your face with a smile on it.  

Draal shook his hand into yours, “Draal…”  

“Well then Draal, nice to meet you and hopefully you didn’t get a bad first impression on me because of Jim and Toby,”  You say as you looked at his yellowish eyes making sure to keep eye contact as you were taught it was polite and it also lets the other person know to take you seriously.  Along with the fact that you weren’t lying about what you said.  “I do have to catch up to the others. Hopefully, we may be able to be acquainted with each other some other time.  Have a nice rest of your evening,”  

Draal watched you run away to try to catch up to the others before you fell too far behind.  

He grumbled to himself as a thought fluttered through his head, ‘Maybe I can tolerate at least one of the fleshbags…’  

You, on the other hand, were relieved as that went a whole lot better than you expected it to go unknowingly catching another certain persons eyes. 


Words: 2593

A/N : Hey guys! I finally found the time to get a chapter out, I had some buisness I had to take care of unfortunately and I had a dance competition but luckily I hhad enough free time today to finish a chapter!  Thank you again, everyone, for their utmost pacients, and I hope you have a nice night, morning, or evening wherever and whenever you are.  Thank you! Author sighing out....

Majikku : TrollHunter x reader (Various)Where stories live. Discover now