Becoming Part 5

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You sat at the table, contemplating on what to do as Jim was cutting some vegetables and fruits up for some nice sandwiches for tomorrow.  You had to admit while watching Jim do his cooking skills, you became slightly jealous of his forte.  Considering you didn’t have the high level cooking skills he does, but according to Barbara you excel at baking and crafts.  More so the crafts than the baking, but you took her word not yours.

You stared off into space as you were leaning your head against the hand you had the bracelets on.  Not paying any attention to the surroundings, but you were snapped out of your thoughts when Jim stopped what he was doing and a slight ring was heard from the amulet.  Along with it starting to let out a bright sky blue glow.  

You turn your head to face Jim and ask with utmost certainty, “Is this what you wanted to show me?”  

Jim in turn nods his head, he then grabs his bag and heads out to the backyard with you following behind.  

A dog could be heard barking as a woman called for him, “Parker! Parker, come here, bud!”  As the sun could be seen setting, letting out a beautiful orange, yellow, and red glow.  A slight breeze could also be felt nipping at yours and Jim’s skin as he took out the amulet and tilted his head at it curiously.  

You then went behind Jim and looked over his shoulder to see what he was looking at.  The amulet was glowing a bright blue or well the words two, and the words that weren’t legible started spinning extremely fast.  One tick fewer symbols shone, the second tick the words that were now legible.  

Jim pulled it closer and peared at it reading it, “For the Glory of Merlin Daylight is Mine to Command,”  You jumped back slightly startled by the sudden pick up of wind, looking behind you the computer that was playing How to Train your Dragon glitched off.  

Turning back towards Jim you saw a blue orb come out of the amulet floating slightly above Jim’s head.  Then went to Jims chest, and soon multiple blue orbs came out following the first orb.  

A blue aura surrounded Jim and lifted him off the ground, and pieces of silver armor with intercept patterns appeared around him and went to attach.  Putting him back to the ground, you would have been staring in shock if it weren’t for the fact the armor that appeared was WAY too big.  The top of Jim’s head could be seen, along with his eyes looking down at the armor nervously.  

You snickered at the slight as it was extremely humorous to you.  You stop snickering as Jim gives you a small glare.  The markings on Jim’s armor then started glowed and shrunk to match his size perfectly.  

“This is so freaking cool!”  Jim cried out happily, you smiled.  

“I mean I thought it was quite humorous since it tickled my funny bone,”  You snickered once again.

Jim deadpanned at you giving you a small look, but ignored you and slightly posed.  His attention was once again pulled away as four blue orbs appeared once again, and a huge sword appeared way too big for his size pulling him to the ground.

Letting out a grunt, Jim strained to pick it up letting out a small noise of struggle, managing to finally pick it up.  Pulling it up he looks along the top of the sword, letting out a sigh.  A look of surprise appears on his face as the sword or at the look of it a Claymore just smaller, shrunk to fit his size once more.  

You crossed your arms against your chest as you watched with an amused smile, as you knew he was probably gonna get the sword stuck in a rock or two.  Though now that you thought about it, it seemed you have been forgetting things about the show with what you have watched.  This was not good. Soon enough you would forget everything about what you know of the timeline and have to start off scratch.  

Your mind soon trailed back to Jim as you saw him hold up the sword with glee and soon started to fall backwards and get stuck in the big rock that laid to the left of you.  Pursing your lip together to try to prevent yourself from laughing as you already humiliated Jim enough.  

Jim soon tumbled backwards after trying to get the stone out of the rock, practically doing a shoulder roll multiple times.  Then running back and stepping his two feet onto the stone, pulling it as hard as he could finally getting it out.  Only to get stuck in the stone right after, you couldn’t hold your laughter after that.  Which had you almost rolling on the ground wheezing as you were laughing that hard.  Jim gave you a deathly look, and decided to ignore you and focus on getting the sword out of the stone.  

Little did you know that these happy and easy going days are soon going to come to an end…..

A car pulled up right next to the canal, and turned off.  A door opened and Stricklander could be seen emerging from the car.  Soon making his way down the side of the canal, towards the pile of rocks that laid in the middle.  

Strickler then bent over and picked up a rock, and looked at the empty spot where the amulet once laid.  

“It’s been taken,”  The grip on the amulet tightened, and then looked up straight ahead with a disappointed tone in his voice, as Bular appeared behind him, “You failed.  You let it go.  Your father will be displeased…”  

Bular roared slightly, and growled going down his level, “Whoever holds the amulet of Merlin, I shall destroy him.  Just as I have with every single one of them,”  Bular said, narrowing his eyes at him.  

Strickler narrowed his eyes back, “Worry not, you brute.  I know where to find it,”  Strickler turns back around, dropping the piece of remains, shattering it even more than it already was. 

JIm had finally gotten the sword out of the rock, and raised it above his head smiling happily.  You watched smiling softly, with your arms crossed as you had finally stopped laughing.

I believe it has found its champion…

The two of you were enjoying each other's company very much, so much that you didn’t notice the three bracelets glowing.  

Be careful though, as the friend of the champion is the Big Threes chosen…we would suffer their wrath if we are not careful…

The figures from early each representing the three main elements, stood there.  One was down low frowning, and not very happy as she usually is.  The other two were gripping there staffs hard, though one would think they would break in half from the pressure, as Jealousy and anger consumed them all.  

Ready to destroy any who are in their way….

A/N : Sorry for the short chapter, but we finally finshed Epiosode one!  Witha total of 38 pages in a googe doc, are you ready for the next one?  Though be careful with who you interact with, some reactions may not be to your liking. 

Words : 1226

Majikku : TrollHunter x reader (Various)Where stories live. Discover now