Agreed, initially, I had no intention of following it through. Because how could I? What could I possibly have done to make him realize what he did was wrong? I couldn't forget my reality. He had destroyed me once. He could easily do it a hundred times more. I had mom to look after. She was someone for whom I was responsible. I couldn't just throw caution to the wind and devote half of my life to bringing him down. I couldn't just fire my life away to chase him to his doom.

But he came to me looking for trouble that night. Provoked me. No one could deny that, could they?

As the car pulled up in front of a tall glass office tower, I paid for the taxi and headed inside the building.

I hadn't informed Brandon of my arrival.

I sort of hoped to surprise him and maybe explain to him about the entire stunt that I had no intention of pulling. He had been looking forward to meeting a lot of influential people there. The wedding was a good place for him to widen the circle of constructive clients. But because of my impulsive and irresponsible attitude, he was forced to return home with little success at hand.

He was mad at me. Hadn't even talked to me during the entire ride. And the anxiety had been badgering me since then, eating me alive from the inside. I had to make this right as soon as possible. Brandon had done so much for us in the past few months.

And how did I repay him the favour?

By completely messing up his opportunities.

Shame on me.

This had to be another reason why I shouldn't risk getting involved with Maddox-fucking-Richmond. He did not think twice before going after my mom and her shop, what if he went after Brandon next time? No. It was better to keep my distance from him from now on. And maybe just pray to the lord for his quick but brutal demise.

The door of the elevator opened and dragged me back to reality. With another determined breath, I launched my feet towards the reception desk.

"Good evening, ma'am. How can I help you?"

"I'm here to see Brandon Stewart."

"Your good name, please?"

"Zara Fisher."

"Alright. Please take a seat in the waiting section. I'll call you right up."

With a smile, I moved myself to the couches aligned against the wall across from the reception desk. There were a few more people sticking around and reading magazines. But I kept my head down and waited for my call. I was yet to organize my thoughts before telling Brandon anything at all. I had to be cautious before revealing my ties with Maddox Richmond. Should I mention that I'd been stupid enough to sleep with him?


That would be suicide.

Brandon would be extremely disappointed, and I couldn't take that right now.

God, what should I do?"

"Z?" a familiar voice pulled me out of my stupor. And before I even looked up to see who it was, I knew to whom that hearty voice belonged.

"Brandon," I stood up, pushing back another wave of anxiety.

"What are you doing here?" he asked, perplexed, before a modest smile tugged up at the corner of his lips. "You should have told me you're coming; I could have sent—"

"I wanted to surprise you."

"Well, you surprised me alright. When I got the call from reception, I couldn't believe it. So, I came out myself to see if her words held any water."

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