Yang Brothers vs. the World

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Daesu and Daewon reach home twenty minutes after dropping Joonyeong off.

"C'mon, dongsaeng," sighs Daewon, patting his back. "Time to face the vultures."

Daesu groans. Time to face the vultures, indeed.

After Daesu grabs his luggage, the brothers head to the lobby. They call an elevator, step inside, and command it to go to the seventeenth floor. The apartment isn't one Daesu has been to often (something which, honestly, he's slightly glad for), but he can still remember the number. Daewon used to live here back when he attended university, but after enlisting in the military, he moved out.

Daewon knocks on the door. He moves slightly in front of Daesu in a protective sort of way, even though the younger Yang can certainly handle his own. Daesu appreciates it. Trust Yang Daewon to be the one who has his back.

When the door swings open, the first thing she does is gasp:


Yang Daemi is taken aback by the appearance of her military brother. Daesu can't help but roll his eyes.

"Is it such a surprise that hyung is back?"

At the sound of Daesu's voice, she peers past Daewon's shoulder. She gasps even louder.


She pushes past their older brother, yanking Daesu into an extremely tight, bone-crushing hug.

"Oh, my God—I saw the news, and...oh, God! Daesu-ya..."

"Noona—" chokes Daesu— "it's too tight—"

Daemi lets go, taking a step back. She smiles softly.

"Yah." She pushes him playfully. "Why didn't you ever visit?"

"Did you forget the distance between Seoul and Hyosan?" huffs Daesu. He rolls his eyes again.

"Let's calm down," says Daewon, stepping forward. He grins. "Long time no see, Daemi-ya. How's university been?"

Yang Daemi is three years older than Daesu. The most academically proficient of the Yang siblings, she earned a full-ride scholarship to Yonsei University, which was no easy feat. She's studying as a business major to follow in their father's footsteps. If all goes to plan, she should be able to take over his company.

For Daesu, his family's wealth and status don't matter much to him. As the youngest child, he's often left to do what he wishes, though his parents still try to get him to do well in school. Oh, and no one can forget about his weight.

It's not a big thing, really. He's just much chubbier than his parents would like, which makes them accuse him of laziness. And yes, he is lazy. He's very lazy. But compared to his classmates, he's probably the best gamer out there, which was most certainly not achieved by lazing about. He's been honing his skills in the past years so he can perhaps play professionally.

He's close with Daewon because he's the only one who doesn't judge him. As someone who also wishes to pursue an unconventional career—being a martial arts master—he understands Daesu's dream. But their parents, while understanding of Daewon's career choice, are dismissive when it comes to Daesu's.

"At this rate, you won't be able to do anything but work in some convenience store," his father would say with a sigh.

"You need to go out more," his mother would scold. "Stop eating so much. I didn't raise you to be an animal."

And the food in question would be a few cookies, or a bag of chips. And yeah, those things aren't healthy, but who cares?

He does care, however, when Daemi joins in.

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