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I never thought I'd see the day when I'd be getting ready to leave for college. And here I am, preparing to leave my home, friends, and family for eight years, hoping to get my doctoral degree to become a veterinarian someday. I've always loved animals, reptiles, and vertebrates. And it had always brought me great joy whenever I got an injured or sick living thing back to where it needed to be. So, when I started the sixth grade, I wasn't hesitant to say I wanted to become a veterinarian when my parents asked what I wished to do for a living so they could start saving money to send me to college.

For the rest of my school years, I worked my ass off to keep my 4.0 GPA thinking it would help me get the scholarships I needed to help pay for my tuition costs, room and board, books, and whatever else I needed my parents couldn't afford. Because of that, it enabled me to receive some of those essential scholarships. However, I learned that even though my grades were perfect; it wasn't a requirement for many of the scholarships I applied for, and it bummed me because it made me feel like I was trying to win the sweepstakes.

After receiving letters from some scholarships I applied for, I became ecstatic when I saw I had gotten most of what I'd asked for. Primarily because after the doctor diagnosed my mother with ovarian cancer when I was in the ninth grade, my parents had to dip their fingers into the college fund they had for me to start medical treatments. Then my father had to drain more funds out of my college fund when my mother sadly lost her battle with cancer a few months ago to pay for her funeral expenses.

After losing my mother, I thought about not fulfilling my plans of becoming a veterinarian and doing something else that didn't require a college degree. That was until my brother, Dante, and father talked me into resuming going forward with what I wanted to do—wanting me to continue chasing my dream. So because there wasn't much money left in my college fund, I wrote many letters explaining my situation, begging for financial aid.

Since I got everything I asked for, and how I graduated with honors, received awards, and even more scholarships with my high school diploma. My brother decided he'd throw me a mixture of going away, birthday, and congratulations for all my hard work party—inviting his friends, my friends, and some of our cousins.

Dante is five years older than me, and because of how proud he is of me and how he and his friends are partiers and love to drink, I know this will be the one time they'll be happy with contributing to underage drinking and getting me drunk. Specifically, because of what my friends and I did during homecoming weekend. After my brother and his friends had gone out of town that very weekend, we snuck into their place and had our own party—drinking all their beer and booze, leaving us sick for days.

It was also the first and last time I had consumed any alcohol. So I can only imagine how drunk Dante was hoping to get me before I left for California in a few days—wanting to get me sick again. And I'm sure he's hoping it would teach me a lesson about not wanting to drink like a fish while away from home and working harder to become who I've wished to become since a little girl.

I'm looking forward to tonight, not because my brother will feed me alcohol willingly, but because his scalding hot friends will be present, celebrating and drinking with me.

I've had a crush on a couple of his friends since I was a preteen, wishing they'd also ask me out, but because of our age difference and how they're my brother's friends, who told them they stay away from me, they've never given me the time of day. So, since they'll be at the party, and now that I'm of age and not arresting material, I'm ready to show Dante and his friends that I'm not this little girl they've always deemed me to be.

Wanting to look the sexiest Dante's friends have ever seen me, I rummaged through my closet, pulling dresses out left and right, trying to find that perfect dress that'll make my brother's friends drool and for Dante to cringe.

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