Am pretty sure that's not what he was thinking about. Yet he could not hide the fact that he can't look at me directly in my eyes for couple of minutes. I got out of the bath tab and covered myself in a bathrobe. That was after putting up a fight of him turning away from me claiming he already Saw everything the previous night.

"Hungry. I'll get you something to eat."

With that I was left in his room. Few minutes and I was already dressed in his pj's. He said I should wear his since he's too tired to go get me mine in my room. That was just an excuse on getting me to wear his clothes.

" You my dear look hot. "he spoke while placing the tray of food on the small coffee table.

I was super starving. The tantalizing aroma of the food was so amazing that my stomach growled loudly. He heard and laughed.

" Come. "he helped me get off bed to the couch.

" Max I can seat by my own. "I complained.

He had put me on his lap facing me like a baby. It was so embarrassing.

" You stand from there and I'll punish you so bad." he was dead serious now about that. I saw it in his eyes.

I sat there with my mouth zipped. He took a bite of the fried eggs. When I was about to get mine he took the plate.

"What!"I complained.

He knew I was starving yet he is making me to wait. Later he shook his head.

" Here. "

He signaled me to take it from his mouth. That was new. I had no idea he could be romantic. Luckily I love romantic things. I mean I have been fantasizing about getting a romantic boyfriend and letting him spoil me with his romance. So it was a go for me.

I quickly made our lips touch as I took the piece of fried egg using my tongue.

"Yummy." I complemented.

"I cooked it." he bragged.

The rest of the time we ate together since he had prepared enough for us. Never knew he was good with making jokes. We laughed so bad. Then suddenly he became serious. I was alarmed.

"Anny from now on watch your actions." he spoke.

I was lost rather than being confused. Was that a threat... I don't think so.

"Why say that?"

"You... You are my weakness."

He laid his head on my shoulder while saying the words. I felt him. Took my time to savior the moment as I hugged him tightly but not too tight.

"I love you." he breathed it out of his chest.

My body's temperature rose, yet I felt goosebumps all over my skin. I wished for it to be just a dream but when he looked at me I knew that it wasn't. His eyes dug deep into mine. I on the other hand stared at him as if I was he had grown a second nose on his face.

"Anny am in love with you. Since the first time I saw. What made it better was when I found out that you were the so called nanny of mine. I knew then I'd keep you forever."

His moment of truce seems to have a great impact on me. So bad I wanted not to take his words into consideration but I found myself believing every little thing he said.

" Anny... "he whispered my name.

" mmh! "

" You are mine right?"

I watched him for a couple of seconds before nodding my head. I clearly knew there was no going back. He hugged me back before suggesting we take a quick nap.

* * * * * * * * *

" Seriously Anny wake up."

I was woken up by being shaken so vigorous. Seems my plead to her about being woken up like a crazy bitch bore no fruits. Well I understand her. She's one of a kind.

"The fact that he gave me clear instructions not to disturb your beauty sleep. Wake the hell up. Am bored." she screamed while grabbing the duvet i was covered with and tossed it away.

The cold breeze made me shiver a little bit. Seconds later my eyes were half opened. I was still sleepy.

" Gab, go play with your lovey dovey Lukah. "I spoke as I once again closed my eyes.

" I wish for that too but they left, technically it's you and me. "

I shot up upon hearing that. He didn't even say goodbye. Part of me, blamed me for being so sleepy. I wasn't angry or something... I was just disappointed. At least he could have given me a heads up. Unfortunately I was so looking forward to seeing his cute face.

"Someone seems disappointed. Well u'll be more disappointed to hear they'll be back in a weeks time." she informed me.

"What! Weeks time! And he didn't bother to wake me up." I couldn't believe this.

"Relax dear. So what are you doing in his room?"she asked with suspicious eyes.

One way or another I knew she had an answer to her question. I walked out on her as I went to wash up a bit. It was already evening and I needed a nice walk in the park.

" Anny, seriously did you do it! "

She followed close behind me to the bathroom. Several times I pushed her away but she kept coming.

"O. M. G... You did it. Tell me how was it?"

"Gabby when you did it with Lukah did I ask you about it?"

Well I didn't ask cause she came running up to me. Explaining all the details. I felt dirty listening to her talk about it.

"I am not doing this with you." I shy away.

Half an hour later I was done. Both Gabby and I marched out only to be stopped on our way out. That was odd.

"Excuse me, ma'am." he began.

"And you are?" I interrupted.

"Name is Jerald Park. Am the head of your body guards team." he introduced himself.

"Body guards what!" I exclaimed.

"Mr Maximilian said we should take care of you till his arrival."

I looked at him as if what he said didn't make any sense. I mean that would just attract more attention. Even though there was someone planning to hurt me, he'd notice me directly.

I fished out my phone from my pocket, searched his number from my contact list and dialed it. Few seconds later he received the call. That was fast.

"I guess you have already crossed paths with Jerald Park." he began.

"Max you know it's not necessary. I can take care of myself."

"Right I know but I like to believe am in control and my loved ones are protected. So bare with me."

Funny right, we have not known each other that long but he's treating me like family. I've missed that feeling, of being under someone's shield and not having to worry about how my life would be.

" Fine. "I agreed." But I have a bone to chew with you. How could you leave without saying goodbye? You just left before I woke up. Makes me think it was what you wanted so that you could have an easy way to get rid of me. So much for loving me. "I spoke my mind.

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