remus lupin - you are in love.

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pairing - remus lupin x reader

summary - sirius and marlene (and lily) play matchmaker to get you and remus together because you're slightly failing at picking up on very obvious stuff.

trope/tags - friends to lovers, fluff

word count - 3.3k

warnings - language, drinking, making out

if there was one thing everybody knew about sirius, it was that he loved parties. adored them. cherished them. sacrificed his grades (sometimes even health) for them. and he was damn good at organising them, too. anybody who ever attended any festivity planned by him knew that there was not a single one that wasn’t memorable (for good or bad), which is why your friends were shocked to find out that he wasn’t going to hold a celebration for his birthday this year. and even worse, it was his seventeenth.

“what do you mean there won’t be a party?” mary could barely keep herself collected after hearing it. one would think it was only your peer group that was shocked, but no, the whole school was talking about it.

“simple, there won’t be a party.” he replied confidently, putting on his best this is totally fine and i’m definitely not up to something again show.

so yes, there was more behind it, like there is with everything. sirius and marlene did some thinking. strange, yes, marlene barely came to her senses after realising sirius actually had a brain that he could, y'know, use. and weirdly, their main object of thought just happened to be related to you and remus. they weren’t sure if anybody else picked up on it, you and remus certainly didn’t, but both of them were convinced (with good reason) that you fancied one another.

however, knowing you two, nothing too interesting was going to unveil from that. remus wasn’t very outspoken when it came to his feelings, and you weren’t much better yourself, so really, seeing you pine over each other for years and years was like watching a never-ending slowburn romance (sirius’ most loathed genre, by the way).

so, they took matters into their own hands - they hatched a master plan to get the two of you together. and this was the first phase of it.

“but there’s always a party!” james was disappointed, too. this was one of those rare occasions where sirius didn’t let him in on his secrets or the mischief he had planned, so the boy was rather clueless. peter wasn’t too bothered, though, it wasn’t like he didn’t experience it before.

“i’m embracing change, what can i say?” sirius shrugged, throwing himself backwards onto the sofa and placing his arms behind his head. remus scoffed.

“what are you whinging for?” sirius rolled his eyes, taking a drag from his cigarette. remus decided not to respond to that, and joined you and lily on the floor. you were doodling in your notebooks as the conversation went on in the background. you smiled when he sat next to you, but subtly turned the page so that he doesn’t see what you had going on in there. you didn’t know how he would react seeing a drawing of himself in your notebook, but you weren’t planning on finding out either. lily snickered, slightly failing at covering it up with a cough. you and remus chose to ignore it.

unbeknownst to sirius, or marlene, or you, or remus, or anybody for the matter, lily knew you liked each other. she always had an eye for things like that, anyway.

“okay, but can’t you at least plan something? anything?” marlene chimed in, pretending like they hadn’t already had this conversation while they were trying to figure out how to put their little idea into action.

“ugh,” sirius groaned loudly. it was a long groan, a very theatrical one, made everyone want to jinx him, and lily became suspicious, “fine.”

“really?” mary said with a hopeful smile. james and peter looked more cheerful, too. you weren’t really paying attention anymore, too busy scribbling some nothings onto parchment to distract yourself from thinking about how really bloody close remus was to you. your arms were touching, and his eyes would not leave the paper where you were currently sketching a tabby cat, hoping that he wouldn’t notice how shaky your hands were or hear your heartbeat.

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