sirius black - it's nice to have a friend.

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pairing - sirius black x reader

summary - you and sirius have a chat about your feelings on the school roof.

trope/tags - friends to lovers, fluff, non-magic!au

warnings - none

word count - 3k

if there was one thing you liked about working at a café, it was getting free and unlimited supplies of coffee and hot chocolate every single day. but then there were those other things, many of which you loathed. it was the couples. the couples being all happy and cute together, snogging as they shared their stupid little pastries, talking about their futures together. they had everything you wanted, and everything that you couldn’t have because you happened to be in love with somebody who you maybe shouldn’t have fallen for.

“i think you deserve to get off earlier today.” lily gave you a sympathetic glance as she was cleaning up the coffee spilled around the espresso machine.

“won’t your parents scold you?” you said unsurely. lily’s parents owned the coffee shop you worked at, so you already had a lot more privilege than some of your other coworkers, as lily was one of your closest friends.

“y/n, my mum loves you more than she loves me and petunia combined. if i don’t let you off, she will.” lily chuckled, motioning towards the staff room with her head, “go, i’ll be fine.”

is there anyone in the world who deserves lily evans? the answer is no. you gave her a quick hug after thanking her, and then trotted off to the dressing room to get out of your work attire and finally head home.

you sighed in content when you stepped out into the streets, the chilly autumn breeze cooling you down. those little walks you had to take to get back to your flat would always set off some rather interesting trains of thought, and more often than not, it was sirius who was on your mind. the boy would simply not leave your head, no matter how hard you tried to chase him out of it.

you swore, ignoring the old lady who looked at you in concern. you wanted to see him, and since resisting that urge was easier said than done, you dialed his number on your cellphone, impatiently waiting for him to pick up. and when he did, you were welcomed by an unpleasant noise of terribly loud music, accompanied by some muffled yelling.

“regulus, turn that off, i’m on the bloody phone!” you giggled hearing sirius yell at his brother, shaking your head when a series of quiet curse words slipped out of his mouth.

“you alright over there?”

“yeah, god, i’m so sorry love, reg is being a bigger sod today than usual.” he sighed in fake exhaustion. sweet old reggie, the main reason behind every single one of sirius’ problems. both of you wished for that to be true.

“you are so over-dramatic.”

“you of all people should know that being dramatic and dealing with emotions in rather illogical ways is a very important part of my identity.”

“goodbye.” you moved your phone away from your ear. you would be lying if you said that didn’t make you want to block him for a split second. he had his way words, and more often than not, the things he was saying were nonsensical.

“no, wait! what did you- reggie, get off! what did you need?” he seemed rather eager to hear you speak.

“i was gonna ask if you wanted to hang out.”

“are you offering me an escape ticket from my own home?” you didn’t miss the teasing tone of his voice.

“you could look at it that way, yeah.” you shrugged.

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