sirius black - wish you were sober.

2.2K 36 9

pairing - sirius black x reader

summary - you're drunk and try to kiss sirius. he rejects you 'cause you aren't sober. then the same thing happens again, but the other way around.

trope - friends to lovers, non-magic au!, fluff

word count - 2.9k

warnings - drinking, vomiting, mentions of sex, language

saying that you were bloody wasted would be a polite way of putting it.

parties were something you'd usually regret going to barely five minutes after arriving, yet you always managed to wind up in them. it was saturday night, and the biggest, most extra one you had probably ever attended was being held at james potter's house. you knew the bloke had a large social circle, but didn't think he would've invited the whole year over and even a few people below. good thing his parents were away for that week. he just happened to be another one of your and sirius' good mates, so you didn't have to ask him to know whether he'll be there or not. where sirius goes, you go too. because one, you'd grow bored out of your mind without him. and two, he was your very best friend. the best friend you definitely did not have feelings for.

so, there you were, stood on the balcony of what you assumed was one of the guest bedrooms, clutching a plastic cup filled with orange juice and a strong alcohol of some sort. you had not a clue what it even was. it tasted like absolute shit and it made your throat sting harder than anything you'd ever drunk, but it was enough to get you hammered and that was all that mattered. you were leaning maybe a tad bit too close to the railing, one simple push from behind would have you landing straight into the tussle the random blokes below you were having.

"don't fall over." sirius warned from behind you. he came back from a quick trip to the toilet. you scoffed, whining when he tugged at the sleeve of your (his) leather jacket to help you come back inside.

you spent most of the party on the second floor, trying to stay away from the bigger crowd. you hadn't seen james for a larger part of the night night, and you could only assume what he was getting up to since lily was nowhere to be seen either. you had remus by your side for quite a while, though. it was kind of an open secret that he wasn't very fond of parties, so he opted for staying upstairs with the pair of you where it was a little less rowdy for as long as he could bear.

there was a point in the night where mary and peter suddenly came looking for him. you were oh so shocked when he actually left you and sirius for them. being all but sober, you simply could not grasp why he would ditch you first chance he got. somene could, though, and that was sirius. he was guilty of staring at you like a proper lovesick idiot (that, of course, flew over your head because you couldn't even walk properly, let alone think straight) and remus wasn't about to watch the two of you passionately snog right next to him.

sirius was sober, much to everybody's surprise. you couldn't pinpoint why he wasn't in the mood for drinking, and why he was only on his second bottle of beer four hours in.

any other day, he'd be stumbling around the house, most likely butchering one of abba's songs, despite always putting on a face whenever james and the girls put them on. he told you it was the party that bored him.

unbeknownst to you, he decided not to drink so much after seeing you had some ulterior motives. sirius just wanted to make sure you'd get home safely, especially after experiencing several memorable train-wrecks trying to walk you to your house while the both of you were absolutely hammered. he also wanted to ensure that nobody else would attempt to do anything out of line. many blokes had their eyes on you, and completely and utterly obvious to everybody but yourself, sirius hated every single one of them. jealousy always got the best of him; at least that's what remus liked to say. but they didn't deserve someone as good as you, he'd tell himself, nor were they worthy of your attention. sirius loved you, he really did and you were too oblivious to comprehend how much he truly cared for you, even when you weren't intoxicated.

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