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"I can't sit here everyday with Jacob and wait for you to finally come home and realise you have a family!" Lizzie yelled.

"I am a surgeon Elizabeth. I am trying to save peoples lives. I can't leave in the middle of surgery because I have a family meal." Y/N yelled at her wife. "This is my career just like your career was your dream."

"They are both different." She seethed as she pointed her finger at Y/N.

"No it's not. You leave for months to go to different locations. Alone." Y/N shouted. Emphasising alone.

"So what? It is my dream. I can't make Jacob travel with me, he has school." She yelled as Y/N pinched the bridge of her nose while shaking her head.

"Yes. He has school here. I have my patients here. You have your career everywhere." Y/N said as she motioned with her hands.

"You want me to give it up?" Lizzie asked harshly.

"No. I never said that!" Y/N took deep breath trying to calm down. "I just don't think we work anymore."

"So what are you saying?" Lizzie asked as her shoulders deflated not liking were this conversation is heading.

"I am saying that we need a break. We need to find who we are again." Y/N said as they stepped away from Lizzie.

"No." Lizzie whispered as she shook her head as she willed for her tears not to fall.

"We have to." Y/N spoke softly. "I love you Lizzie. I will always love you no matter what but if we both still love each other, we will make it back to each other."

"What about christmas?" Lizzie asked as she slouched on the sofa. "Both of our families are coming?"

"I will be here for that. I will pretend that everything is ok for them. If that is what you want." She told her as she knelt before her.

"I don't want this to be the end of us." Lizzie whispered as tears began to fall.

"It won't be. We are simply taking a break and finding ourselves again." Y/N told her as she nodded. "There are no divorce papers until you are certain that is what you want."

Lizzie just nodded before Y/N kissed her forehead before going to check on Jacob and pack a bag. Lizzie remained frozen in her seat.

Will the pair find their way back to each other?
Will they both find a new love?

Only time will tell what will bring them closer or pull them apart.


A little sneaky peak of a new fic. Please let me know what you think.
Also this is a Fem GiP Reader

Can We Mend? (Elizabeth Olsen X Fem GiP Reader)Where stories live. Discover now