Chapter 73- "Chinga tu madre."

Start from the beginning

"Oh, Y/n you're back? almost. He is almost ready." He said eyes glued on Shigaraki. I cringe at his facial expression and turn back around.

"Pues let me know when that thing is out~ chao" I walked out and headed towards the training room. I slipped off the costume and threw it to the side leaving me in high shorts and a sports bra. I stretched my arms and legs.

I stood straight and wiggled my arms before doing anything. This room was specifically for me. I trained here every day since we got here to surpass Fafnir to be able to control him. Big large white room high in width and length.

I closed my eyes, my lips snarled as my teeth showed, smoke flowed right out my mouth and nose and my skin started to vapor out the heat. Many emotions came to mind. It was as if now everything that had happened didn't affect me in the slightest. I was at peace with my past but definitely not with my future.

I turned into my dragon form and set the whole room on fire. The air vents opened. My form sat there with smoke coming out of my nostrils. Closing my eyes I drifted into the back of my mind.

"Fafnir!" I had mastered my dragon form inside my consciousness.

He appeared threatened and angered as he crawled his way inside the dark place. He was much bigger than me but my aura definitely compared to his.

"te crees porque tienes más control pero olvidas que no nunca podrás con el dolor de ver a un ser querido morirse enfrente de ti." He growled

Faced off in Y/n's consciousness were Fafnir and her. Fafnir could tell she had better control of herself and that she could be as troublesome as Ezequiel was which frightened him and excited him as well.

Class 1A Dorm POV

"Ey! Dude isn't that Black Blade so badass!"

Denki cried as he played yet another video of Black Blade caught on camera.

Kirishima hopped on his bed and watched the video on Denki's phone amazed as well.

"Sure he is! I mean look at those manly punches. I myself have tried to learn one or two tricks from their fighting style."

"tch, You guys are dumbasses, we should be more worried about finding her..." Bakugo sat on the chair placed beside Denki's messed up desk.

They both turned their eyes off the screen and at Bakugou who sat biting the inside of his cheeks eyeing the carpet as he was deep in thought.

"Listen Bakugou, it's been days since we've seen her. I doubt she is even in Japan anymore."

"How would you know?!" He slammed his fist against the desk.

"Come on man, that desk is already wrecked, don't destroy it," Denki says.

"Tch," Bakugo gets up, stuffing his fist down his pants and heading towards the door. "keep on watching that dumb 'blade ass' I'm sure he is ugly looking underneath those clothes. Just another insecure extra." and slams the door shut.

"Let's not mind him," Kirishima nods and they continue watching Black Blade videos.

"How can this guy be bad looking I mean he sure is a badass--"

"I mean Denki Deadpool is also a badass and underneath those clothes, it's a different story."

"ain't no way you just disrespected a piece of art!"

"ain't no way you just disrespected a piece of art!"

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