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 "He demanded we stay here until you were well enough to walk," Helaena told her, wandering around the room she was in. Amy's entire body curled into itself at the thought of meeting the King.

"Why? I don't know him," Amy asked, slowly sitting up. Her head was beginning to not hurt as much, but movement still wasn't her favorite thing.

"Amaris is the granddaughter of his master of coin," Helaena explained, coming to join her on the bed. She fluffed the pillow behind Amy's back.

Amy gave her a thankful smile, leaning against the headboard, "What about your mother?"

"What about her?"

"Does she want to be here?"


"Why doesn't she leave, then?"

"He's the King."

Amy raised her eyebrows, "So? Her kid just lost his eye. He should probably be home and in his own bed, right?"

Helaena looked at her like she just told her the sky was red. Amy suddenly wondered if she had imagined these past few days. She was about to question the look when Helaena spoke, "You're not angry with him."

Amy couldn't tell if it was a statement or a question. She slowly asked, "Did you want me to be?"

"Why aren't you?"

"It's been a rough few days. I'm not really feeling the need to be angry," Amy understated her situation. She's accepted she's stuck in a book, but she really didn't want to add anymore emotions to it. She can't be mad at a fictional character.

"Oh," was all Helaena said before someone knocked, and the door opened. Amy was also beginning to realize that she wouldn't be left alone for long in this world. She would need to get used to that. She had a total of one friend in her world. Now, she has to deal with a plethora of people entering her personal space.

"Oh! I didn't realize you had company," Amy could practically feel Rhaenyra's eyes widen as she spoke. Helaena stiffened to the point that Amy could feel it from where she sat.

She put every ounce of sarcasm in her body into her sentence, "Helaena was just sharing the wonderful news that I get to see the King."

"She's being dramatic about it," Helaena told her sister. Amy wished she could see the expressions on their faces. They seemed awkward with each other. She didn't know why. Helaena was Rhaenyra's sister. She thought the older woman liked her younger half-sister, at least that's what she remembered. Maybe the book was wrong.

"I know you don't remember, but he's a good man. I promise," Rhaenyra told her. Amy wasn't convinced.

"When am I supposed to see him?" Amy asked, hoping the time was the second Tuesday of next week.

"For supper. You'll dine with him."

"Just me?" By this world's standards, was it not inappropriate for a man and a woman to be alone in a room together. Amy tried not to roll her eyes at that. This world was so stupid.

"The Queen may join you. It depends on whether or not she leaves her son's side," Rhaenyra's voice was stiff. Amy picked up on even more tension. She swore at herself in her mind for thinking this would be an easy fix. There was so much bad blood between the families, and she doubted this past incident helped.

"So I have time to jump off the balcony?" She asked, only half joking.

"You have time to do it more than once," Rhaenyra, she hoped, joked back.

Helaena's head snapped back and forth between them, "We're not actually jumping off the balcony, are we?"

She wanted to joke that it remains to be seen, but she took one look at the genuine confusion on the girl's face and decided not to. She smiled at her, "No, sweetheart. We were only joking."

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