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She was grateful that Helaena was such a pure soul, and that she didn't even question Amy's truth. She knew no one else would treat her that way. She's already been looked at like she's gone insane more than she ever has in her entire life in the short time she's been mentally aware of her surroundings. She supposed some of it was justified, she did beat at her own head while she was healing from an open head wound.

She didn't even want to think about how stupid of a decision that was. Not only did she tear open her stitches in the process, but she was now in more pain than ever. She was sure her head was bruised as well as cut open. Her wrists were red with irritation from where she desperately tugged on the ropes confining her to the bed. Her butt hurt from where she fell straight onto the stone floor. Her head hurt; yes, from the wounds, but also because she had to squint constantly to be able to see a little bit. The squinting probably didn't even actually help her, but it felt like it did.

She was left alone for the first time in hours. Helaena had stayed with her until the sun came up, only to be dragged away by someone in armor. A knight, Amy guessed. She wasn't alone for more than a minute before the room was being filled again. Amaris' grandfather rushed to her side, "Are you better, Amaris?"

He really was a sweet man. She felt horrible that his granddaughter was most likely dead. She could tell he really loved her. It made her wonder where on earth the girl's father was. Helaena hadn't mentioned him, but they didn't really speak much after their tears dried. Amy had just asked where they were, and Helaena had told her. Amy didn't mind the silence, she never had, but the silence in this world felt suffocating at times.

She nodded slowly to the man, trying to not freak them out any more. She really didn't want anything shoved down her throat again, nor did she want to be tied to the bed again. She needed to keep her cool, despite her situation, "I'm okay. I apologize for scaring you."

She thought that, maybe, they would let her go if she proved she wasn't crazy. Let her walk around. She wanted to get up from this bed so badly. 'Her grandfather' smiled at her, she could easily read the relief on his face, "I can't imagine the pain you were in, my dear. I'm just sorry you had to deal with it."

She put on the most genuine smile she could have at the moment. She didn't know how to react to his words. She didn't want to become Amaris, but she didn't want to raise any more suspicions against her. She's already, according to Rhaenyra, acted out of character since she woke up. This world, from what she gathered and remembered from her reading, was brutal. Especially with women. Amy's first thought was that they would burn her alive for being a witch if she tried to explain what happened. Whenever she decided to try and die here, she didn't really want it to be by fire. She didn't like fire very much.

She decided she would try her best to fit in. The only problems were that she was not a very proper girl, and she had a shitty memory of the story and the world it took place in. Maybe she could fake amnesia. It wouldn't be completely unexpected. She was smacked in the head with a rock; memory problems would be expected. She could also use it to get information in a not so suspicious way. The other problem with her being stuck in this world was that she was a very bad liar. Her face always fell in a cartoonish way when she lied. It was way too obvious when she was trying to deceive someone.

She needed to say she didn't remember anything without saying it. She looked around the room, searching for something to help her with her mission when her eyes met Rhaenyra's. Her sons were right behind her. Amy remembered back to the previous night when Helaena told her that Amaris had saved Jace's life. Amy figured they were only there now because they felt guilty that she had been injured. Amy didn't mind, she could use it.

"Mother?" She asked wearily, making sure to look at Rhaenyra while she asked. She thanked her brian for reminding her to use 'mother' and not 'mum' when she spoke. To add to her performance, she weakly reached a hand out to the princess. She ignored the way her heart clenched when the old man to her left let out a small gasp.

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