Date nights

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Bandages<3: Aye get dressed we're going out bby.

I was a little surprised getting that text but knowing Dazai, He'll probably take me to build a bear. I put on something simple, a tshirt with skirt/pants and a nice necklace.

"Y/nnnn" i hear him say as he enters my apartment. "Cmon let go" he said grabbing my hand and leading me down the street.

"Where are we going?" the walks kinda longer than i thought it would be.

"You'll seeee" he said putting his finger over his mouth.

 After a bit more walking we stop in front of a fancyish looking restaurant.

We both look at each other and go next door to the toy shop instead. Fancy restaurants is a no go for us,specifically Dazai.


This is so boring,i thought as i was slowly drifting to sleep. Chuuya's working late again so im keep him company. This chair is not as comfortable has it looks.

But i finally managed to fall asleep.

"Hey Y/n" he said waking me up, "Lets go home ok."

We don't actually live with each other. We just stay at my house a lot.

"Carry meee" i whined still half alseep. He lets out a little sigh but gives in and carries me on his back.

"I gotta stop here for a bit ok?" he said sitting me down on a bench, "Wait here" he said kissing my cheek.

A few minutes later he walks out holding a cake. My tiredness worn away by then, "Woahhhh that looks good" i said as he sits beside me.

"Ah shit i forgot forks" he was gonna go back inside but i stopped him. "Hm?"

"Nah we don't need forks" i said scooping up some icing with my finger and licking it.

Atsushi's Pov:
Today's the day i finally buy the stuffed animal Y/n has been eyeing. Everytime we pass by the new toy store i see them eyeing a stuffed animal of (F/a).

Since then i've been saving up money buy it for them, and i finally have enough.

"Y/nnn come onn" i say walking to their room.

"One moment, Where are we going anyway?" they said right as they finished getting ready.

"You'll see" 

We both leave the apartment heading to the toy store, well they don't know that though.

The walk was nice and peaceful. Both our hands intertwinded, Y/n admiring our surroundings as they always do. Cute.

Once we get to our destination i see them immediately eye the plushie. "Come on love" i said bringing them in.

"A toy store?" they asked giggling as we looked around.

I grab the plush and bring it to them, "For this" i said paying for it.

They have the cutest excited face ever.

"Hey hon" i hear Ranpo say sitting on the counter as usual.


"I'm bored" he whine. "Can we get cheesecake?"

"Sure give me a few minutes" i said trying to move a box.

"Great its a date!" he said hopping off the counter and going to wait outside.

Once we arrived at the place he instantly ordered like 5-8 different kinds of cheesecake, Jeez.

I just got a plain one, "You gotta try this Hon!" he said shoving a fork full towards my face "It's so good"

I gave in and ate the the bite, "Wow that is good"

The food may have been good but the bill was more than my paycheck.... 

Sorry this chapter kinda sucked, I didn't put much thought  into it but I thought I needed to do a date night one.

this has got to be the worst one i've written so far

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