S2E9: Back to the Lab ...for Keeps

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Meanwhile, in a lower blue, all seems relatively normal. Calm even, like the slow flow of the passing waters. However, that flow is soon interrupted by an unknown creature, as its silhouette is seen swimming over to the edge of the basin. Emerging straight from the murk and onto dry land, the creature reveals itself as not part of this habitat. Or any habitat for that matter.

If judged solely for the silhouette earlier, it would've been mistaken for a crocodile. But upon a better look, that's nowhere near the resemblance. The overall organism is an overgrown fish, walking with limbs where its fins should be. As well as sporting a sleek silver white / neon blue color. Believe it or not, but that's not even the most bizarre part.

Laced across varying parts of the walking fish's body are several other fish. More specifically, electric catfish -- appearing to have grown quite attached to the creature. Albeit unwillingly, due to its gorilla glue-like grip. And judging by their rawboned physique, plus complete lack of struggle, these catfish have long since lost their sparks of life.

Having no further use for them, the walking fish discards their corpses onto the ground -- not even bothering to dump them back in the water. Its only concern is finding a new source of sustenance. But first, it changes into something a bit more... comfortable.

???: ... (buzz-buzz)

Ah, the "Big Boi Bee". Oldie but a goodie. The perfect form for taking to the sky and over to the next potential score. However, right before it does, something catches its eye. Among the rest of the natural environment, one object in particular appears to stand out. Not just in aesthetic, but motion as well. This peaks the bee's curiosity, prompting it to fly over and investigate.

Upon closer look, it appears to be some sort of organism. One of a more mechanical nature -- unlike any creature it's come across so far. That's because this "organism" is a Soldier Droid, currently in a paralyzed state. Its limited yet abnormal movement, in the form of jerking about, keeps the bee from getting any closer. However, it soon becomes less limited than anticipated.

Either by sheer attempt or complete accident, the droid curls up into its wheel mode and revs up along the ground. But it does so incorrectly, spinning horizontally in place instead of vertically. This sudden change in kinetics triggers the bee's fight-or-flight mode. Well, technically fight-&-flight, as it briefly flies off the ground and shoots its own stinger straight into the droid's metallic exterior.

This ceases the spinning in an instant, as well as any other movement it can muster. However, a new form of movement musters on its own upon impact. And the bee, realizing what, lands immediately after.

Exuding from the soldier's pierced armor are crackles of electricity. Sweet, savory electricity. In response to this revelation, the bee's lingering stinger melts into muck -- and seeps straight into the exposed circuitry. It then proceeds to crudely dismantle the droid from the inside-out, gaining access to more and more of the good stuff.

Eventually, what was once a mechanical marvel has been now reduced to a scrap metal mess. But at the very least, the soldier served as another satisfying meal for the oozeborne insect. And akin to an empty can of soda, the bee's detached chunk leaves it littered just like the unlucky catfish -- reattaching soon after. Now with no other reason to stay, it buzzes off to greener pastures.


Minutes later, the bee now finds itself swimming through an adrift sea of clouds. Experience has taught it that a whole lotta them bundled together might result in quite the banquet.

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