Aganau Chapter 10: Promise fulfilled

Start from the beginning

"So this, too, is YOUR doing...! Never before have I been so humiliated...!"

"Now regretting that you didn't kill me all those years ago?"

Petelguese didn't respond to the question but he indeed regretted having not killed the man in front of him when he had the chance twenty years ago.

Older Subaru just smiled mockingly at his opponent, seeing that his promise to Rem to avenge her is about to come true.

Before the fighting commence, Julius took this opportunity to tell him:

"I am the man who beat you terribly all those years ago. Though I swear even now that I had a significant reason for doing so, that is no more than self-righteousness so far as you are concerned. However, I'm not digging up the past in the hopes of washing away the shame. Your resolve is weighty, formed by each decision and action you have taken along the road to this point. Accordingly, I ask you: Can you trust in me?"


Older Subaru remained silent as he needed a few seconds to think on the question he had been asked.

Although he did hate Julius for what he did to him, it would be hypocritical of him to not put his trust on a knight when he has put his trust on many scummy people since Rem's death...with one of those people being the Bowel Hunter herself.

He sighed before responding:

"I despise you. For sure not as much as before but that feeling won't go away so easily. But I rather have a better chance at killing this madman, so yes, I trust jackass."

Julius nodded at this before the two pointed their swords at the Sin Archbishop of Sloth.

Petelguese looked with anger but before he could even react at this, Al took the chance to sneak attack him just as he let his guard down.

Just as he was about to land a hit, Petelguese just simply exploded with anger as his unseen hands were all shooting around the area.


Older Subaru warned Julius, prompting the finest knight to listen and duck, managing to avoid one of the unseen hands.

Unfortunately for Al, he was hit in the chest area by one of the unseen hands which sent him flying a few feet away.

Old Man Rom could tell that it was dangerous closing in on the Sin Archbishop, prompting him to keep his distance for now.

While Petelguese was throwing a tantrum, he began to shout in pure rage:

"Do you truly believe this will end me?! This FARCE?! And what will the addition of a single spirit knight do?! It is absurd that any mere spirit could hinder ME, MY path, My love, MY diligence! You all shall fall! I shall tear you all to pieces! I will not allow any of you to escape! For my diligence knows no slothful surrender, nor demise!"

Petelguese continued to go on a rampage, destroying the majority of the area he was in.

Older Subaru and Julius waited until finally the Sin Archbishop had calmed down.

The two got up and without hesitation they charged at him, with Older Subaru being the one in front while the finest knight was behind him.

Sloth noticed this and quickly threw every unseen hand towards the pair.

The Elder Subaru smiled as he began to eliminate each of these unseen hands on his own while the finest knight attempted to close the gap in order to land a fatal blow on the witch cultist.

As he was about to close in on Sloth, Older Subaru noticed one of the unseen hands about to hit Julius on his right side.

"Julius, to your right!"

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