authors note

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hi everyone.

wow. who is cutting the onions?

this was emotional. a roller coaster.

but it's how it was supposed to end.
the heroes would always have died along the way, it was just a matter of who they had to save and who would be the one to die first.

it was how i wanted to finish this book. when i thought of this plot, this was the ending i had in mind. things changed along the way of course, but it was always going to end with everyone dying.

but then they met t'challa, who was the king of his culture. it was always to be written like this. with the last words a choose to you, the readers. it's up to you if the heroes stayed or chose to wake up in wakanda.

let me thank you ! you all made this happen, and thank you for it! this was such a wonderful thing to write, and it wouldn't have been a thing without you all. so thank you.

and ask any questions here.

heroes of the other worlds, apply fic ✓Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ