Yeah.... Disappointing I know(Not Chapter)

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I am going to be honest and straight forward with everyone reading this, I have no greater reason for not uploading or writing. I am not busy with work/school/some other third thing that takes up time. I am not sick or anything. The actual reason as to why I have not uploaded in I don't know how long is for the simple reason of I have no inspiration or drive to do it. There is no fuel for the fire so to speak. You can see why the title is what it is because this is disappointing, to myself and probably all of you also. I could try and make myself upload or so but the things I upload probably wouldn't have as much heart in it as the rest and why should I have to upload something I am not happy with and why should you look forward to read something that doesn't have the writers actual heart put into it. That would be a let down on both sides I believe.

I hope one day I can get my inspiration back and once again write interesting and good(enough) chapters for this story fully but for now I just don't have it in me. Though this is not all about how I probably wont be uploading this story for who knows how long.

I still really love this story and I am really grateful for all of you who are reading this. So I still want to do something with it and for you also. Which brings me to the second reason for this upload.

I recently got a comment on my actual profile from someone asking me to update this and give a new chapter. They are a main reason for this actually as I hadn't put much thought into anything for this story for some time now but no more. I am willing to do things with the character Grimm and more in the same universe or so. To put simply, I am letting you, the reader(s) of this, suggest characters and scenarios that you would like to see Grimm in. From AUs to bank heists with Goku or even Twice from MHA, suggest what you would like to read just for the fun of seeing Grimm and my rendition of certain characters in. I might even do some ocs that I haven't used or anything for some of them. I am even willing to probably do your ocs if you want me to and let me(If so do message me personally about your character so that if/when I put them in I can actually try and write them correctly). Just to let everyone know I won't be doing any "adult" themed scenarios.

I know this isn't anything anyone probably cares about but I figured I might as well explain why I haven't been uploading and just give something that can probably just be good fun. Do I feel bad that I have gone this long without uploading on this or even giving a word? Yes. Will this help push me to obtain a new drive and try and upload again? No, I am sorry but for me I just wait until the inspiration comes and goes, sorry if that disappoints anyone. Do I hope that my suggestion can at least bring some fun back to what I do and give you all something to look forward to? Yes, I appreciate you all and do feel bad for not being able to upload the story you all like so I want something fun for you to enjoy that I can be proud of.

In whatever case I am sorry for not uploading again and I ask/hope that you understand my reasoning for it. I don't think this is really the best of an apology I could do nor the most I can but I feel this is probably what will be the most fun and enjoyable for everyone in the end possibly.

So to those still willing to stick around, I thank you. To those that have had enough of my lack of uploads and don't want to continue waiting, I can't blame you. But to everyone, I thank you for taking the time to read this and hope you have a good day.

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