Halfway There

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(A/N: A thousand reads... well rather than saying thanks for the thirteenth time(still thank you all) in this I have decided that I'll answer questions about the story. Just leave a comment asking your questions and I will try my best to answer them excluding any questions that might spoil or give away anything about the stories plot. Either way while this will I have said this many more times than thanks I will once again say that none of the images seen are owned by me and rights go to the respectful owners as well as I own nothing Fate related so all rights to the makers)
(Grimm POV)
I had just gotten back after being taken away by my new pet and I was now being informed of the plan.

Ritsuka: "So, assuming we don't get into any more encounters, we should be able to make it to Killer Queens fort with relative ease. The real problem is we don't know anything about what's waiting for us there."

Grimm: "Enough explosives to make it so the bodies of an army numbering in the hundreds wouldn't exist anymore, along with an army numbering in the hundreds."

Gudaku: "You knew that?!"

Grimm: "I might be dumb, but I am not stupid. I always find out what my enemy has that they could throw at me."

Ritsuka: "I don't know if I should be worried or impressed at your ability to find this stuff out."

Grimm: "I have heard that said many times during the battles I fought for the sake of my king."

Artoria: "Grimm, just use my name, right now formalities are not needed."

Grimm: "Of course Art."

Artoria: "Or that nickname works also."

Gudaku: "I was about to get annoyed with how he only called you and Iskandar 'my king'. It was hard to tell who he was speaking about or to."

Artoria: "With that out of the way what are the exact numbers we are about to face."

Grimm: "I would say their forces number around five hundred thousand if not more at this point. As for the terrain, we would be fighting on a field full of holes in the ground made by explosions and dead plants."

Iskandar: "Hmm, that field does not favor those of us with mounts. What of the explosives you previously mentioned?"

Grimm: "Throughout the wholes and even within the walls of the fort there are barrels filled to the brim with a very explosive liquid. This liquid can blow up like you wouldn't expect. One wrong movement, one wayward nudge, one errant twitch and it gets set off."

Gudaku: "There's a liquid that destructive?!"

Ritsuka: "Probably not."

Grimm: "The liquid might not be able to be set off by minor things like what I said and it was just terrible timing on my end."

Artoria: "I'm sorry, what?"

Grimm: "I tried busting in and eliminating Queen but I happened to bump into a barrel that exploded like I stated so I might be assuming a lot."

Gudaku: "Please tell me that you surviving the explosion meant it wasn't a big one."

Grimm: "I was bleeding so much that I thought I would pass out from blood loss."

Gudaku: "Why couldn't you just let me live a lie?"

Artoria: "Ignoring your mishap with the explosives what all troops do they have?"

Grimm: "Since my last look? I would say two hundred thousand bowmen and the rest being heavily armored soldiers. No mounts or catapults were seen."

Gilgamesh: "How is it a mongrel like you can find this much out without being caught, you don't seem like the type to be able to pull off such a feat."

Fate: Unrecognized HeroWhere stories live. Discover now