"Oh no- Of course not, I've just been a little tired today. I'm hoping to just crash when we get back I guess." She replies, her voice sounding cheery again.

In silence, we get to the door back through to where I signed us in and I stop by the office's door. I knock once and the door buzzes. I push it open, walking through, holding it with a hand as I do so that it stays open for Elodie. She walks through after me, leaving the door to shut by itself.

I make eye contact with Eduardo, nodding my head to the side to signify that we're leaving and I'm signing out.

"Hasta luego, Pérez." He says and I reply with a swift hum, loud enough for him to hear.

Me and Elodie leave the range through the front doors, into a pitch-black car park.

Exaggeration? Slightly. There were a few street lights around, but considering the sky was already at its darkest, I wasn't far from right.

"Feels like we've been here for hours," Elodie says, and I can tell she's looking around into the darkness.

I fish my car keys out of my pocket and press the unlock button on the surface. In the small distance, the car's lights flicker and I hear the faint click of the doors being unlocked.

In the next few silent seconds, I manage to climb into the car and turn on the ignition, before Elodie speaks from the passenger seat.

"Who's Edgar Pérez?"

Now, why wasn't I surprised by her question?

"You're nosy," I state, looking at her, then turning back to control the wheel and back out of the parking spot I'm in.

"I just wanted to know since- you know, that guy wrote the name down as yours." She says, her curiosity rolling off her tongue.

I start backing out, turning my head back to make sure the rear was clear of any cars or people. It's late, but I'd rather not get into unnecessary problems with anyone. With my focus on the car, I speak up to Elodie.

"Don't know, don't really care. I picked a random name to use instead of my own. Safety reasons. I don't need anyone knowing when I'm visiting the range, but I do keep my attendance there tracked myself." I explain to her, glancing quickly. Jesus.

I glanced again.

Fuck, what am I doing?

I barely manage to stop myself from cursing out at how reckless I was being.

Her expression. Full of curiosity, her eyes looking dreary, but her face resembling a dreamy look.

I can't let myself go so easily when it comes to her. I mean, I don't even know what this is, but it's new and I don't like new. Whatever this is, it's stupid and it's unlike me. I seriously need to stop.

"Right. Yeah, understandable," Elodie says, shrugging, "Hey, not to be a bother, but how long is it to get back to the mansion?"

I'm driving out on the main roads now, and the one I'm currently on is long and consistent, with no cars in sight, so I turn to respond to Elodie.

"About half an hour, maybe faster since there are no cars on the road at the moment."

All she replies with is a hum, and so I turn back to the road and don't say another word. God, I've said enough already. Done enough. I need to get a fucking grip, because what is this? Why am I acting this way around her? Whatever it is, I won't allow it to affect me in any way.

I drive down the roads in silence, apart from the light sound of the radio music Elodie discreetly turned on. I don't dare look at her anymore. My eyes stay steady on the road as I speed down at the limit and focus on getting back in time to get some more work done. It's around almost nine o'clock, meaning there isn't much time left until we get back home.

Desire  {18+}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora